
Two Way Street - Chapter Forty-One

“It was just so… sensible,” Megan declared. “It was pretty, sure. But it wasn’t too much. It was all about not being too much. It was about fitting in a box, and Em… You have never really been an in the box sort of person. Sure, you can squish yourself in there pretty convincingly. But you f-king sing opera like a diva, and you shed your bikini top at the drop of a hat on a nice sunny day…”

“One time!”

“Regardless, you are totally a suppressed drama queen. Your wedding dress needs to be…” Megan shrugged and laughed. “Other level. Like, black, masses of tulle, a train that takes fifteen hundred bridesmaids to keep under control, and a f-king princess carriage to arrive in. Your wedding dress shouldn’t be an apology of politeness, like, I am so sorry, is my lace too loud? Your dress should be a declaration, a trumpet flare, a f–k this shit, stand back and admire the rock glory.”

Emily laughed. “Oh, Meg.”

“Like you didn’t love every second of your time with Vice and Victor. I have seen t
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