

I had only made a few steps before he crashed into me, toppling us over. I landed hard on my back but that was the least disturbing fact.

Zephyros was on me. My chest was pressed to his, thighs tangled with his and somehow without me noticing, he held my hands above my head, trapping me there. His breath was hot on my skin and his lips grazed my cheek.

The contact sent a jolt of electricity through me and I jerked. He withdrew only enough to look me in the eye. My eyes drifted from his turquoise depths to his lips. Pink. Firm. Sensuous. Full. Kissable. Mine.

I blinked. Mine? Mine? What was wrong with me? I didn't want the bastard anywhere near me. I forced my eyes up to his and I could have sworn his eyes were on my lips before they darted upwards again.

"You do not run from me Danae. No you." He said huskily. His words made zero sense to me but I felt the urgency in them.

The shadows in his eyes cleared and he cocked his head arrogantly before lifting himself
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