
Chapter 6

So, he wasn't just a warrior after all. Jett knew there was something different about him from the moment he saw him. Why Sakdah decided to keep him a secret until now was beyond him, though. The alpha was short in size, yes, but it was easy to tell his strength just by how the man stood, and the look in his eyes.

"You two met?" Alpha Sakdah questioned. He was a lot taller than his son. He knew the man to be quite a pain in meetings. He only liked to talk about his pack, and that was only when he needed something. But that was the only time that Jett really saw him. The Reverence Pack kept to themselves, even when they were going to school in the same place as them. The children kept to each other and rarely befriended anyone other than the ones that were in their pack.

"He and his warriors aided me in our attack on the hunters when they came to my territory," Jett explained. He wanted to keep looking at those dark eyes, but they had started to avoid him for some reason. They were soft when he first came in. Now the man looked tense and closed off.

"Him and his warriors?" Sakdah looked suspiciously at his son.

"Yes," Shiro nodded. "After we saw the hunters in the city, we started the hunt to track the rest of them down. We followed them into the Valor Pack's territory."

"They were in the city?!" Nir asked. "How come we weren't told of this sooner? Do you know how many innocents could have been harmed because of those demons?!"

"I assure you that there was no harm done to any of the citizens," Shiro bowed his head respectively.

"What happened?" Roger asked. "These guys all but skipped over my territory."

"I wish I could say the same," Nir grumbled. "They killed five of my warriors."

Jett sighed at that. It was always a sad thing when a warrior was lost. He wished he could have helped more.

"They must have traveled through the city to get to my territory then," Jett said. "Unless they tried to get into your territory in the east, Sakdah?"

"Surprisingly not," Sakdah answered. "My condolences for your warriors, Alpha Nir. I'm sorry for not coming to your aid sooner."

Jett knew that they wouldn't. That was why he hadn't bothered to try and ask, himself. The relationship that everyone had with the Reverence Pack was more of a peace treaty. They wouldn't harm you if you didn't harm them. They liked to stay neutral, and preferred not to help unless it was absolutely necessary.

They weren't always like this. Jett had heard that there was a time when they were much more helpful, but it wasn't a time that he could remember. And he didn't think they would go back to those old ways.

Until he met Shiro, that is. The young man came at the perfect time. If it weren't for him, Jett would probably be trying to recover from silver bullets and fighting for his life in a whole different way than yesterday. If Shiro was going to be the next Alpha, he was excited for his reign.

There was something else about him that Jett just couldn't put a finger on. Those dark brown eyes held something in them that Jett wished he could see. He thought he felt something when they shook hands too. But it went just as fast as it came. He couldn't even process it.

"When did you notice them, Shiro?" Jett asked. The man sat quietly as his father spoke. Jett had already heard Sakdah talk about everything under the moon, though. He'd much rather listen to the smooth voice that could lull him to sleep.

"They were at a supply store that some of our warriors were by," Shiro said. "Once they saw all the guns and smelt silver, they notified me. We used the silver scent to keep track of them."

"And you took care of all the ones in the city?" Roger asked. His bushy eyebrows were raised in shock. "Why didn't you ask for our help? Or tell us that they were there?"

"I'm sorry for not communicating," Shiro said. "We didn't have much time, and we needed to act fast"

"I'm more surprised you were able to handle them all without anyone in the city knowing," Nir shook his head. "You train your warriors well, Sakdah."

"Of course," Sakdah puffed up his chest. "My son's been learning to battle his whole life."

"Oh, I remember," Roger chuckled. His red eyes were shining as he relived a memory. "Munni loved to show off his little grandson. I remember seeing you ride on his wolf as a child. You were much more jovial back then."

"I remember those memories fondly as well, Alpha Roger" Shiro smiled at him. "It's an honor to see you again. As well as you, Alpha Nir. My condolences for your lost warriors. They died an honorable death protecting their pack. May the Spirit of the Moon give them peace for their honor."

That was another strange thing with the Reverence Pack. When everyone always called her the Moon Goddess, they referred to her as the Spirit of the Moon. It seemed like a mouthful. But Jett had to say, it sounded much more graceful when Shiro said it than when his father did. It sounded more genuine as well.

"Thanks to you, there weren't anymore casualties," Nir spoke. "I have you and Jett to thank for that."

"There's no need to thank me," Shiro put a hand up to stop him. "We are allies. And it is our duty, all of us, to protect this city. I was simply doing my duty."

It was true. With BlackCreek city being right in the center of all of their territories, they each had a part in protecting it and maintaining peace. Jett was glad that someone was keeping their eyes open in the city that day. Everyone else had been so concerned with the forest, since that was where they were mainly, that they all completely forgot to check on the city.

Jett watched Shiro as he sat through the meeting. Everything the man did was controlled. Each and every movement was done perfectly. Every word that came out of his mouth sounded like pure gold. He spoke so respectively to everyone about the hunters as they all made sure that everything was alright in the land.

They all debriefed each other on what had happened the day before. All the hunters were dead and taken care of, Jett made sure of that. He had his warriors bring all the dead bodies to a burial site just so he could count them to be sure just how many were killed on his territory. He apologized to Nir for not saving any for him to seek justice. But Nir was a practical leader. He was glad that they had all met their demise.

They were going to have to raise their defenses for a month or two. There could easily be more coming for revenge. They, of course, liked to call it justice for their fallen friends.

Jett called it an excuse.

He usually hated meetings like this, especially on a Sunday morning. They were long and boring. But he was surprisingly disappointed when the meeting had come to an end. He wanted to hear more from Shiro. The man was fascinating when he spoke. His mannerisms reminded him of royalty, in a way. But it was never enough to make him seem pompous or snobbish. He was very much a humble Alpha.

"We hope to see you again, Shiro," Alpha Nir said. He looked much happier than at the beginning of the meeting. "I look forward to your leadership."

"You'll have to tell us when the ceremony is," Alpha Roger was the next to shake the man's hand. "You raised a fine boy, Sakdah."

"Thank you," the Alpha put a hand on Shiro's shoulder. "We should be going now. There's much work to do."

"It was a pleasure meeting all of you," Shiro bowed. When he came back up, his eyes fell on Jett's again. There was a split second where he swore they got darker.

"It was a pleasure fighting with you," Jett put his hand out to shake. He wanted to feel his touch again. There was something about the first time that made him curious.

"It was an honor," he ignored his hand this time and bowed again.

That was strange. But Jett wasn't quite used to dealing with the Reverence Pack. It could just be a cultural difference.

Even though he shook the other twos hands...

Jett wouldn't let it get to him. He shook the thoughts out of his head. He was simply happy to see the warrior that he had been able to fight with.

"Hey Shiro!" He yelled down the hall to get his attention. They had already started to walk away. Jett was happy to see the man turn around one more time to look at him.

"Happy Birthday," he told him. It seemed like he took the young man by surprise when he said it.

"Thank you," Shiro smiled. It was the second smile he had seen from him that day that actually reached his eyes. The only other time was the night before when he had thanked him for guarding the cabin for them. Jett liked the shine that those dark eyes had when he smiled like that. It was absolutely breathtaking.

He watched as the two started walking away again. Shiro made for such an interesting alpha. He was smaller than average, and most alphas were bulky so as to intimidate their enemies. But Shiro wasn't that way at all.

He was definitely more of a diplomat than his father. He was so happy that Alpha Sakdah's reign was almost over. That guy was so stuck up. Shiro acted nothing like him.

"I was wondering what happened to that boy," Roger sighed from beside him. They were all outside the building now, watching as the Reverence Pack departed first from the meeting.

"Who was that?" Alex came up to all of them. His human form was different from his wolf form. While his wolf's fur was black, his human half had brown hair. He was a muscular man who loved showing off to all the men he could get his hands on. Jett laughed every time he thought about when his second would eventually find his mate. His previous affairs were sure to cause some issues.

"Shiro," Jett answered. "The next in line of the Reverence Pack." It was Valors turn to guard the place for the meeting this time, and Jett made sure to bring his best out. He didn't want there to be any problems occurring while they were talking. And he was sure that Nir's warriors would be ordered to guard their territory extremely well after what they had gone through.

"I thought he looked familiar," Blake came up to them. His blue eyes contrasted with his short dark hair. The delta had been fighting with them after they made sure that the packhouse was secure. "His scent is so faint, though. And an alpha that small?"

"I wouldn't underestimate him," Alpha Nir said. He was awaiting his car. "Munni taught him everything he knew."

Jett remembered Elder Munni. The man was a breath of fresh air when it came to the Reverence Pack. Everyone in the town, and even the other packs knew him. He was always concerned with the community, and helped everyone who needed it. He loved to give advice to everyone who asked as well. And, for someone from that pack, he was surprisingly a jovial man. Jett's fondest memories of him were the times that he helped him train. Even though he was old, he was still a very skilled warrior.

"I heard that he met his wolf at the age of ten," Roger said. "Munni was so proud when he talked about it all those years ago."

"Ten?!" Jett looked at him incredulously. Thirteen was usually the earliest that werewolves could shift. It was more likely to shift later than that age rather than earlier.

"That's what Munni had told me," Roger shrugged. "I could believe it, though. Even as a boy, he was as sharp as a blade."

"You should have seen him fight those hunters," Alex told them. "He caught so many of them by surprise."

"I wonder what happened," Nir pondered out loud. His dark blue eyes were trained on the empty street that the Reverence pack had drove on. It seemed like Jett wasn't the only one who was curious about Shiro. "After Munni passed, he just disappeared. I wasn't sure if I would ever see him again until today."

"He changed a lot," Roger said. "That's for sure. He used to be the happiest child I knew."

Jett stayed silent as he listened to the two old alphas share their stories. The more he learned about this stranger, the more he wished he knew. He was different than anyone he had ever met. It seemed like he had come from another timeline with how he acted towards all of them. Instead of acting like any normal 18-year-old, he acted like he was in a royal family or something. Even for an alpha that wasn't normal.

Those guarded eyes were etched into his mind. The only way he could describe it was cautious. His actions were met with the perfect movement, and his words meant to make a point without disrespecting anyone.

He was like a prince.

A prince that Jett really hoped he would see again soon.

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