
Chapter 41: More Than Vanilla, Maybe

Chapter 41: More Than Vanilla, Maybe

"Well, well, m'lady, good morning to you!" Luke smiled. Bella smiled back at him, blinking away tears. "Are you still crying?" he asked, concerned.

She sniffed. "Oh, I'm great. I loved your song," she told him.

He smiled again. "I thought you might. Are you hungry? Breakfast should be here soon. I didn't want to wake you, but I'm glad you're up."

When their food arrived, they sat at the table nibbling on fresh sesame seeded koulouri with graviera cheese, Greek yogurt with Greek thyme honey, and hot herbal tea. Bella ate quietly, nonplussed that she'd blurted out those three shocking words.

"I, um, didn't mean to be forward," she began. "I was caught up in my emotions."

"Are you saying you don't love me?" Luke asked.

"God, no!" Bella replied. "I just…I don't mean to put you on the spot. 'I love you' is different from 'I'm in love with you' and, well, not that I don't mean it, I just don't want you to think that I'm expecting for you to sa
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