
The kidnap

Mr Valmore El-Alfa

I had been at home waiting for Emma to get home but there was no sign of her, it was already getting dark and she was not back home and not even her driver is back, I couldn't wait anymore, I was about to give a call to the company when a call came into my phone saying that Emma’s driver was found dead be the corner of the hospital,

“Shit!” I cause and made a call to the head of the police asking for an instant search to begin immediately, I was still confused and didn't know what to do it was already late, but I can't just stand and do nothing, I picked my car key immediately and left the room as I made my way downstairs,

“What's going on, where are you rushing off to?” Lady Alfa asked

“Aunt I think there's a problem”

“A problem, what could that be”

“Aunt Emma’s missing and her driver was found dead by the corner of the company”

“What? How could that happen?”

“I don't know aunt and the company said, they couldn't find Emma’s car outside the company”

“There’s sec
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