
His Priority

Richard didn’t know the clear intentions of the person who sent those photos to him, but one thing was clear, it can’t be for a good reason.

He wanted Bella to be careful as it had come to his knowledge that she was being followed.

Taking a look at the picture one more time, he picked up his phone to make a call.

He had to tighten the security around his family until he returned. He didn’t care if the photo that was sent to him was harmless or not.

For Bella to be stalked by a stranger didn’t have a good meaning.

At the other end, Bella was unaware of what was going on and went to be peaceful. But the following day, before breakfast, the butler introduced her to two more bodyguards.

“What is going on here?” She asked as her brows furrowed.

“Sir made the arrangement,” the butler revealed. “You will have an added security every time you and the little miss leave the house. Also, he wanted me to remind you to let your bodyguards do their job.”

Bella couldn’t react on time. Her
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Cheryl Williams
Richard is one of a kind husband and dad to them. His thoughtful actions are heartwarming.

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