
5. "Confusion"

Victoria's family eagerly awaited her return home, prepared to offer comfort in case she arrived after Martin decided to call off their engagement.

When Vic finally arrived, her mother, Sabby, quickly ushered her to the couch and wasted no time asking, "What's going on, dear? Did Martin really end things with you?"

Her father Emmanuel added, "Seriously, what's wrong with that guy? We can definitely find a better business partner than that heartless jerk! Don't worry about him, Victoria. You deserve someone much better."

Victoria's twin brother Mikhail simply rolled his eyes and remarked, "You guys are blowing this out of proportion. Victoria has amnesia, remember? Even if Martin ended things, she'd be fine. Unless, of course, she's fallen for him all over again. Have you, Vic?"

Vic glanced upwards, feeling grateful that she, an orphan, now had a loving family. It was because of this newfound happiness that she made the decision to live life to the fullest.

But why?

Why would Martin attempt to shatter her determination to move forward?

"Martin didn't end the engagement," Vic revealed.

The three of them wore surprised expressions.

"I told him that I had lost my memories and no longer loved him. So he could end the engagement whenever he wanted. However, Martin unexpectedly said that he wanted to date me for two months before making a decision."

"Are you sure you are not daydreaming, Sis? I know you're struggling with your memories, but I'm worried that you still have feelings for him... ouch!" Mikhail was cut off by his mother nudging him.

"Sweetheart, are you certain Martin actually said that? He's never been fond of you. Not that you're not lovable, but he always found reasons to break things off in the past," Sabby pointed out.

"And he was ready to call off the engagement if you didn't wake up from your coma. He didn't even bother visiting you for the past two years!" Emmanuel exclaimed.

This left Vic even more puzzled.

Why would Martin choose to pursue a relationship with her after all the issues they had before?

'Did you lose your mind after I died?' Vic, who wanted to know what was going on in Martin's head, asked inwardly.

Meanwhile, Martin had just arrived back home in his mansion.

He himself was shocked at his decision.

"Why did I do that?" he started to ask himself.

Despite his intense dislike for Victoria, Martin couldn't shake off the memories of her past actions. But why?

Why did he choose to date Victoria for two months instead of calling off the engagement?

"Damn it," Martin thought, feeling like he was losing his mind.

Seeing his deceased bodyguard through Victoria made him reconsider salvaging their relationship, a fact he found hard to believe.

"Sir, are you sure about your decision?" Secretary Hunter asked Martin, who seemed to be at a loss. "I was under the impression that you were going to end things with Miss Victoria. What made you reconsider?"

"I'm not sure," Martin muttered, adjusting his necktie. "But you know what's even more puzzling?" He turned around with a chuckle, "Victoria didn't seem happy even after I told her I wanted to go out with her."

"Well, she lost her memories, Sir."

Maybe that's why Martin was taken aback by the expression on her face. It was the first time she had made that face in his presence.

"Did you notice how she saved someone earlier? It could actually be a blessing in disguise that Victoria lost her memories because she looks even better now. However, if she remembers everything again, then you might find yourself in a bit of a pickle, Sir," Hunter shared his honest opinion, and Martin couldn't help but agree.

Regardless, Martin can't take back his words. Moreover, Victoria has now informed her parents about it.

"I'll be meeting Victoria next week. Make sure to clear my schedule for this coming Monday. Let's see if I can truly see her as my future wife," Martin commanded. "You can go for the day."

"Understood, Sir."

Martin entered his room and closed the door behind him.

As the door shut, Hunter's hands balled into fists.

'I can't stand being here after you're gone, Vic. And I won't forgive whoever set you up.'

Just then, a figure appeared behind Hunter.

"Is Martin in?" Zoe asked.

Hunter turned to face Zoe, who looked as innocent as a deer. He glanced at her injured shoulder and felt a wave of disgust.

Hunter still couldn't believe that his friend Vic would stab Zoe in the shoulder. Why would Vic do such a thing when her time was running out?

'But Vic made me promise to keep her illness a secret.'

Vic had entrusted Hunter with her dead body. To keep the truth hidden from Martin and others, Hunter fabricated a story that Vic had intentionally poisoned herself.

"Sir Martin is here," Hunter reported with a nonchalant expression.

"I was expecting him for dinner. I'll go fetch him," Zoe said, moving towards the door, only to be stopped by Hunter.

"Sir Martin is resting," he said.

Zoe glanced at him, her lips forming a forced smile. "What are you doing, Sir Hunter?"

"I'm just fulfilling my duties as Sir Martin's secretary. He hasn't been getting enough rest lately, and it's my responsibility to ensure his well-being."

"But you can't prevent me from seeing him. And what about his health? You're not even a doctor. Don't you realize that I'm the only one who can bring him comfort?"

"Even so, it's not appropriate for a woman to enter a man's room alone, Miss Zoe."


Even though you're his childhood friend, you can't just barge into his room whenever you feel like it," Hunter warned.

"Why not? I'll be Martin's wife soon enough. Just you wait. Once I'm his wife, the first thing I'll do is fire you," Zoe thought to herself. But she couldn't say it out loud because she was pretending to be a sweet and kind woman.

So, Zoe simply smiled at Hunter and replied, "Oh, come on, Sir Hunter. Let's be chill. Just let me in, please?"

Hunter commented, "Miss Zoe, please understand that we cannot create a big scandal. Sir Martin is still engaged to Miss Victoria."

Zoe's eyes grew wider as she blurted out, "Didn't he meet her to end their engagement?"

"He did meet her, but he didn't end the engagement," Hunter leaned in closer and whispered, "In fact, he even asked Miss Victoria out on a date."

Zoe trembled with frustration.

She had managed to get rid of Vic, but now it seemed she had to put in more effort to get rid of Victoria as well.

** **

Vic couldn't sleep at all. She tried to figure out why Martin decided to date her, but she couldn't find any answers.

"Did he not recognize me?" she whispered to herself.

Then she realized that even if Martin did recognize her, she didn't think he would ask her out.

"Maybe it's because I helped someone before. He might see me differently now," Vic speculated.

She paced back and forth in her room, feeling anxious about going on a date with him.

"How can I get out of this situation?" she pondered.

Martin dislikes Victoria because she's obsessed with him.

"If I act crazy, he will change his mind," Vic uttered. But at the same time, she didn't want Martin to hate her.

She was so confused about what to do. Until she heard a knock on her door.

"Miss Victoria?"

"Please come in," Vic granted permission.

The maid entered and informed her, "There's a visitor, Miss. Your parents and brother are not at home."

"I understand. Kindly ask the visitor to return later," Vic responded.

Since she was unfamiliar with anyone in Victoria's life, Vic decided it would be best to avoid meeting anyone for the time being.

"But the visitor came here for you, Miss," the maid added.,

"For me?" Vic pointed to herself.

Does Victoria have a friend?

'That's weird. After a month of living as Victoria, no friend visited her. I assumed that she didn't make friends in the past,' Vic thought.

Turning to the maid, she inquired, "Who is it?"

The maid replied, "It's Miss Zoe Munroe."

Vic felt anger rising within her upon hearing that name.

"Repeat that. Who?" she demanded.

"Zoe Munroe."

She didn't mishear it. The person who came to see her was none other than Zoe, the woman who falsely accused her of attempted murder.

"Should I ask her to leave?" the maid inquired.

"No. I'll go meet her," Vic replied through clenched teeth, her fists tightly clenched.

Vic didn't want to take any action to seek revenge against Zoe. She was dying, and she knew she didn't want to waste her remaining time on her.

But now that she had miraculously come back to life, Vic contemplated what she would do to Zoe, who had wrongly accused her of a crime she didn't commit.

After a while, Vic arrived in the living room.

As soon as she got there,  she found Zoe lounging on the couch, sipping on juice.

'Seriously, after all that drama, she's just chilling with her juice?' Vic thought to herself.

"Victoria!" Zoe exclaimed, jumping up. "You're awake! Do you remember me? I heard you lost your memory. I'm Zoe, we used to be really close."

There was no way Victoria, Martin's fiancée, was ever close to Zoe. In fact, Vic had heard that Victoria despised Zoe for always hanging around Martin under the guise of being his childhood friend.

Zoe's voice trembled as she shared, "The moment I found out you were awake, I was overwhelmed with emotions. I spent an entire month locked in my room, shedding tears. That's why I couldn't come to see you. But now, seeing you again fills me with pure joy." A glimmer of tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

"Are you truly my friend?" Vic questioned.

"Absolutely! We're the best of friends!"

Vic chuckled to herself. She approached Zoe, who eagerly extended her arms, anticipating a warm embrace from her.


"Ahh!" Zoe let out a piercing scream as Vic playfully splashed juice on her face.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Boom Hugherzt
my girl is being so badass. I love it
goodnovel comment avatar
moreeeee. please update more T^T

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