
69: Not even a fraction


Micheal was waving me over as soon as I stepped out of the taxi, he was dressed casually, his golden skin and dashing face causing women’s heads to turn as they walked past him, but his eyes were fixed solely on me as I approached him.

“Gorgeous, as always,” he smiled and took my hand once I reached him.

“Thank you, blue suits you perfectly by the way,” I returned a compliment and I could swear I noticed him blush lightly.

“Come on, let’s go in, the tour’s about to start,” he led me into the museum, clinging to my arm the entire time.

I’d never been here before and my curious edge allowed me really enjoy the entire tour. I’d expected that I would be bored, but by the time the tour guide was bidding us farewell, I was somewhat sad that it’d come to an end.

“I really enjoyed this, it felt like those cutesy history tours in high school,” I told Micheal as we walked out.

He’d insisted on getting me and my mom souvenirs despite my refusal so his hands were filled with shopping bag
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