
55. A Different Plan

“You have grown soft, Vector,” Trevor aka Tony Jones chuckled, a thin trail of blood racing down the corner of his mouth. He tried to lick the blood off the cut on the lips but he was too late to soothe the damage already done. “We might not have worked together but I heard a lot about you. And let me be fucking honest, what I heard is nowhere near what I’m seeing right now.”

Vector tilted his head and leaned forward. The two of them sat in the basement of one of Perazzo’s Casinos. Vector appeared unaffected and bored, while Trevor was bound to a wooden chair, bruised and beaten. The boss hadn’t even laid a finger on him, yet Trevor already seemed on the verge of fainting. The bruises on his face were becoming increasingly prominent. Marcus had certainly done a number on him.

“I have just one question, Jones,” Vector spoke, his voice as calm and menacing as ever. “Why did you do it?”

Tony spat blood to the side and shifted his gaze back to Vector. “Why do you even care?”

“I don’t care
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