
Chapter 77

Chapter 77


I'm usually in control of how I feel , and I have always been able to gage how Cleo feels or how moody she is . When she doesn't know how to feel and  I'm struggling with my own issues internally instead of communicating what wrong , we tend to have arguments and right now I feel bad for what I just said to her and insinuated. 

While Cleo was recovering I went through her phone. I don't know what possessed me to do what I did, but I couldn't help myself because of recent events.  I'm still angry that she left  without a word an worked  with her ex on a project  she could have done her at home. She says I use sex as  weapon against her if I'm angry , but she doesn't get the fact that her working with men she used to be intimate with is a form of  rebellion and a slap across my face . I already  don't like her  working with Juan. He is a likable guy

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