
THREE - Part 1


"You ruined my life, didn't you know that? So, I must ruin yours, too," he declared with a chilling intensity, his hands gripping my hair tightly as he forcefully dragged me through the front door and into the house. My body collided harshly with the unforgiving floor, leaving painful bruises on my skin and causing a sharp pain to shoot through my knee as it made contact with the hard surface.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I fought hard to hold them back, feeling utterly helpless in that moment.

"Damn you, bitch! If it weren't for that fucking, worthless paper, I wouldn't have you as my useless wife!" His hand swung violently, striking my face and sending me stumbling to the floor. I struggled to rise, but the pain coursing through my body made it impossible. Every inch of me ached terribly. There were fleeting moments when I contemplated giving up, but a flicker of determination kept me going.

Why am I so foolish?

"I hate you! I wish I never met you!"

His hurtful words reverberated through my mind, each syllable echoing like a discordant melody. It was excruciating to listen to, but I couldn't help but absorb every word. That's how deeply I loved him. My ears were attuned to him alone.

"I hate you, Xiellenna!"

I loved him, and yet he harbored such intense hatred for me. This time, I yearned to shield my ears from the painful onslaught. Hearing the person you love utter words of hatred cuts deeper than any physical blow.



I found myself perched on the edge of the bed, gasping for breath as if the oxygen had been sucked out of the room, leaving me gasping for air. Then, it hit me—my dreams. Upon awakening, a profound emptiness engulfed me, leaving me feeling adrift.

What did those dreams mean? They hadn't plagued my sleep in years, and now they resurfaced in my mind without warning. Taking a deep breath, I cast a glance out the window. The world outside remained cloaked in darkness, rain pouring relentlessly from the sky. Determined, I stood up, slipping into my night coat and making my way to the door.

Peering down the dimly lit hallway toward the staircase, I hesitated. I always turned off the lights before retiring to bed, a habit borne out of caution. A nagging feeling told me that I wasn't alone in this house. It was our old house—the place I once shared with my former husband.

I sigh.

The mere thought of him, my ex-husband, sent a shiver down my spine. And the unsettling feeling of not being alone in this familiar space filled me with apprehension. I knew the maids resided in a separate wing of the house, tucked away in their own quarters.

I had considered buying a condominium, but the significance this house held in my heart dissuaded me. It was here that I hoped to witness a transformation, as it would soon undergo renovations. I eagerly anticipated that change.

Yet, what if someone had already infiltrated the premises, lurking in the shadows, ready to strike without warning?

With a resigned sigh, I took a deep breath.

I extended my hand and flicked the light switch, illuminating the staircase. Relief washed over me as I saw no signs of intruders. Gradually, a sense of calm settled within me, urging me to proceed downstairs into the living room. But suddenly, the air grew dense, a heavy weight pressing upon my senses.

"When did this presence make itself known?" I murmured to myself, entertaining the notion of a ghost haunting these walls. It was an eerie thought, but could it be that I was simply succumbing to madness?


Why did I always feel this way when I was alone? Perhaps I hadn't changed at all.

"Since you came back," a chillingly familiar voice echoed from behind, its icy tone freezing me in place. It was a voice that had screamed in my ears countless times, years ago.

This is insane.

Could it be that I was merely hallucinating, trapped in an unaltered house while time marched on? Every nook and cranny whispered memories of the past, a constant reminder of what once was.

"Xiellenna," his voice called out my name, and in that moment, I was stunned, my senses frozen in time. My breaths came in quick succession as my heart raced, its pounding echoing in my chest. Without a second thought, I turned around, only to be met with his presence, standing before me, an enigmatic figure.

A surge of emotions overwhelmed me, and my heart skipped a beat, as if recognizing a long-lost melody. Everything seemed to stand still, the world hushed in anticipation of what was about to unfold.

"W-Who, who are you?" I stammered, feigning ignorance, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and curiosity. His penetrating gaze bore into me, searching for answers, yet he offered no response, his eyes locked onto mine. "W-What do you want? H-How did you get inside this house? T-Tell me--"

"Don't act like you didn't know me, Xiellenna. This is, I mean, this was the house we used to live in together, seven years ago," he spoke, his voice laced with a hint of nostalgia. I averted my gaze, unable to withstand the intensity of his stare.

This was real.

I wasn't trapped within the confines of a dream; I was wide awake, confronted by the past that had long haunted me.

"Hans," I finally mustered the courage to utter his name, my voice tinged with apprehension. Still, I avoided meeting his eyes directly, as if the mere act would expose my vulnerability to him.

Paranoia coursed through my veins, remnants of the pain he had inflicted upon me in the past. Yet, I drew upon every ounce of strength within me, determined not to succumb to my emotions. All the progress I had made, the steps I had taken to move on, would be rendered futile if I allowed fear and anxiety to consume me.

I knew I had to face him, to confront the ghosts of our shared history. Though fear lingered, I refused to let it cripple me.

Yes, I had loved him once, but that was seven years ago, during the chaotic whirlwind of our tumultuous relationship. Now, things had changed. While unease and trepidation gnawed at my core, I was certain I had moved on. My only remaining fear was the prospect of him causing me pain once more, a fear I couldn't shake.

No other connections remained between us.

"Get out of here," I whispered, my voice firm and resolute.

"And why?" he responded, his tone growing colder, his words steeped in seriousness.

Finally, I summoned the strength to meet his gaze directly, displaying the gravity of my intent. "Because you're not welcome here anymore," I declared, half-expecting a reaction from him. However, instead of a fleeting expression, he seized my right arm with an iron grip, yanking me closer to a nearby wall, effectively cornering me with his embrace.

In that moment, a vivid flashback flooded my mind, a recollection of the dream that had plagued me earlier. He would never hurt me again, for I would never allow it. "Let me go, Hans. Leave this place," I commanded, my voice stern, inches away from his face.

The fear that had gripped me moments ago now gave way to an unfamiliar anger, simmering within me. Though revenge was not my intention, my fervent desire was for him to vanish from my life, to leave without a trace.

Now, anger surged through my veins, fueling my defiance. "I said leave," I reiterated, as if he were deaf to my pleas.

"NO!" he bellowed,

 his voice reverberating through the space before us, causing me to pause momentarily.

"LEAVE!" I retorted, my voice echoing with a newfound strength.

In that moment, I no longer feared him; instead, I felt a fiery annoyance and resentment burn within me. "Go home, Hans," I spoke with unwavering seriousness. Yet, he remained silent, fixated on me with an unyielding gaze. His actions filled me not with fear, but a potent blend of anger and unease.

"What do you exactly want, Hans Kenji Alvez?"

"You. I want you back, former Mrs. Alvez," he replied, his words hanging in the air, as though igniting the embers of a dormant flame.

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