
Things Apart


I tell guards assigned to be my escorts to fuck off as I leave the court hall. I have to warn Palma, that is my top priority, but I'd be hard-pressed to do it without being detected. Things are moving too fast, too undetected for me to follow and there's no way there's anything good in it.

I turn the corner and the first thing I see before I run into him are pointed ears and a pair of blue eyes. 'Apologies…' I stop as I realize…Blue eyes.

A mage. This one bears no resemblance to the one I'd killed in the forest, even though they all have the same pointed ears and dead sapphire eyes. He wears a long black robe that seems to suck the light, and he stares at me like they all do, like the damned souls that they are.

I take a turn around him when he makes no sign to move and continue on my way. I don't even want to know what he's doing in the courtroom. Honestly, I'm glad the king gave me the leave. The atmosphere of the palace is getting a little too toxic for my taste, and I'm beg
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