
Chapter 26: Ice Blue Eyes

Ellie heard noises around her, murmurs and shouts in the distance. She couldn't quite open her eyes, but she knew with a sinking feeling in her stomach that she had fainted. Again. She thought she was done with this nonsense, but here she was on the ground somewhere waking up from yet another blackout.

Ellie opened her eyes slowly, blinking rapidly while she focused on the nearest face.

"Hey," Amanda whispered as she leaned over Ellie, grasping her head in both hands and holding it up gently. "Don't make much sound."

"What's going-" Ellie started to ask but she was interrupted with a finger to her lips. Amanda was hushing her from above.

"Shhh-" Amanda said softly as she helped Ellie sit up. Ellie's vision cleared and she looked around.

The first thing she noticed was that she and Amanda were alone in an alley a few dozen feet from where Ellie last remembered being awake. They were behind a large trash can, hidden from view. Ellie sat up and looked

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