
Chapter 90

The goose bumps grew even fatter on Emily’s flesh, minus the cold wind, it was Jackson’s lips on hers in front of paparazzi. It was the electric buzz that coursed through her veins, setting her alight because the wrongness of it was enthralling. The mix of guilt and pleasure stirred in her stomach, she wanted to be drunk off it

Jackson’s lip was soft and tender and it captured hers in a magical haze – the wetness of his tongue swiping on her bottom lip, it felt invasive but yet dazzling in a way that felt difficult to understand yet explain. Suddenly she pulled away breathless with her eyes searching Jackson’s – searching but she wasn’t sure what. Her cheeks reddened and she took one step back even with Jackson’s hands were still closed around her wrist and the grip seemed to tighten when she stepped back, his eyes nearly pleading.

But before Emily could react further, Ethan stepped between them and in one swift motion he dealt a striking blow to Jackson’s jaw, nearly sending him to t
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