
A Father's Revelation

Devrim started in horror at the scene before him. Mairwen's dress was torn, exposing part of her leg. Her head covering was ripped and thrown to one side and a dark cloak was now draped across her shoulders. However, that was not the most disturbing part. She had her arms firmly wrapped around a handsome young man who Devrim did not not fully recognize. It was only when both Eira and Nurlan called the boy's name that recognition began to sink in.

"Wait, THAT is Renat?" Devrim yelled in astonishment. "B-b-but that is the servant boy who was supposed to serve the scientist," he stammered.

Nurlan shook his head. "That is the scientist himself, Your Majesty. He has endured much to be here."

"But the scientist is old. I am sure of it..." Those soldiers around him began to chuckle. Of course they had the courtesy to cover their grins behind coughs and yawns, but it was not enough. The Emperor turned red. "All of you knew?! Why did no one tell me?"

"Her Majesty was waiting for the right time
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