
A Present for the Princess

With Cafer's training in deception, deceit and double-dealing, Alaron played the dutiful son for two days. By the morning of the party, he felt the suspicion of those around him had all but disappeared.

Early that morning Aurora went to visit the boy early to give him the present she had personally selected. Alaron caught her in the hallway. "You wanted to see me?"

"Happy birthday! I was going to give you your gift. Could we go somewhere private?" The Empress wanted to give her son a hug, but she knew that he disliked public displays of her affection. So she held still.

Alaron dismissed Warin, but when the guard was out of sight, he changed his mind. "Actually, can we do this later? I am sure we will find time in a little bit." By the look in his eyes, Aurora could see he was uncomfortable. There was some unspoken wall between them.

"Oh, uh of course. There is no rush…" The Empress watched the prince turn his back on her to leave. An anxious feeling t

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