
Meeting a Mermaid

Phoca, Luna and a few other of the selkies took turns pushing the boat for a time. Eventually the boat slowed, and Phoca peeked her head up over the side. "This is as far as we go, dearies."

"I understand. You have helped us so much! Thank you." Aurora bowed her head to the selkie.

"I will watch for your friends and lead them to the boatman also." Phoca told them. "I hope they can rejoin you on your journey soon."

"Is there some way we can repay you?" The Empress asked.

"If you are indeed Favored of the Fates, mention our service to you when you arrive. If you are not favored, please forget forget that we helped." Phoca said.

"We will," Devrim confirmed.

"One more thing: you are entering the waters where the merfolk roam. They are just as likely to drown you as help you. They are highly unpredictable. Stay on your guard, my dears." Phoca smiled at them as if they were her children. Aurora reached out of the boat and hugged the selkie a

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