
The Storehouse

"It is good to see you, my son," Cafer said as the boy entered the tunnel.

"Uncle Cafer!" Alaron embraced his mentor.

"Quick, close the entrance." The gnome pulled the door shut before the boy could react.

"But it is dark. How will we see?" The boy was worried until the light was shut out and his eyes adjusted to the glowstone. "Wow, that is amazing! Who built these tunnels, and how do they glow?"

Cafer touched the wall gently. "The Fates built these walls and imbued them with magic stone."

Alaron rolled his eyes upward. "Not you too! Mother mentions magic in hushed tones, but I know it isn't real. Don't treat me like a child and use fairy tales to explain things to me."

Cafer was caught off guard. They had never had a discussion on magic, which now seemed strange. "You do know I am a gnome. I have told you such. I come from the land of magic. That is where I have been hiding these last many years. It is the reason your mother has not been a

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