
Chapter 63 It was not my responsibility anyway

After Yun Fenghuang came back to Xi Xing Building, she realized that she had forgotten to make sure from Qi Jiulu whether the people behind Chao’s Family was Duke Yi’s Mansion or not...

Not only that, she didn’t even ask about the recent situation of Xie’s Family.

“How could the bastard be so muddled?!” Yun Fenghuang certainly would not admit it was she who forgot the right thing for being jealous. She blamed it on Qi Jiulu, saying, “He hasn’t made any progress in the past three years!”

At this time, it was going to be dawn. Several days ago, Queen Mother Ji was ill and therefore the Empress allowed them not to greet her for three days, and today was the fourth day. Yun Fenghuang pretended to be sleep in her bed and then awakened by Xi Le for dressing up.

“Queen Mother Ji has recovered, but she is still in low spirit, so today we should not disturb her.” Empress Ji was thinner than before in the past few days. Yun Fenghuang secretl

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