

Claire's fever returned less than a few minutes later. Axel did not want to call Paul, since his client was very important. But Claire was shivering and burning, and he didn't know what to do. He dabbed her forehead with a wet towel, but she was not responding to his efforts.

Finally, he panicked and called Paul. "She's burning," he said as soon as Paul picked up. "And trembling. Her teeth are chattering. She's lost all color."

Paul sighed. "Did you let her rest after I left?" When Axel said nothing, Paul sighed again. "I thought so. Well, I can't come right now. Just do whatever you can for her. I'll see if I can finish up here tonight so I can come tomorrow."

"Paul." Axel knew he sounded like an injured puppy, but the pain he felt was more than physical. "I'm terrified. What if something happens to her? I don't know what to even do."

"You should have left her alone." Paul said tersely.

"How could I? She asked."

Claire started making sounds on the bed. He turned to her, and noticed sh

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