


I reached for my phone and dialed Frederick's number, my fingers trembling with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

The images of the men I had seen with Luciano at the gala a few days ago were fresh in my mind, and I knew Frederick was the key to unlocking their identities.

As the call connected, I quickly sent him the pictures, my voice filled with urgency. "Frederick, I need you to look into these men. Find out who they are and if they have any connections to the mafia. It could be crucial in unraveling the truth about Luciano."

There was a brief pause on the other end before Frederick responded, concern lacing his words. "Athena, how are you holding up? This investigation is dangerous, and I worry about your safety."

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before replying. "I'm fine, Frederick. I've been cautious and discreet. Luciano has no reason to suspect me. I've managed to keep up the façade and gain his trust. For now, he's completely fooled."

There was a hint
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