

Dead. I was dead.

My hands trembled as I leaned against my bedroom door, holding my breath. I wasn’t sure if I had been followed. But I had been caught. I was certain of that, Luciano must have sent someone after me.

“Fuck!” I whispered harshly trying to get my breathing under control. Breathe, Athena. He definitely didn’t see your face.

But it was only a matter of time! He had remained in power for over five years due to his meticulousness and ruthlessness. Luciano Moretti was the devil personified. My head replayed the scene I had witnessed moments ago. He had murdered that man in cold blood. Without remorse. Not even an ounce of it! I wasn’t a saint, but killing people was so fucking far off.

“He killed Dad that way!” I gasped, swallowing mouthfuls of air as it became increasingly hard to breathe. He had killed my father in the same way. I could imagine the agony on my father’s face as the molten hot iron burned deep into his skin. I could imagine him struggling, to breathe,
H.B Temilorun

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