
Chapter 36. Foiled Plans.


The air in my chambers felt heavy with anticipation as I paced back and forth, my mind consumed by thoughts of the impending doom that awaited Evelyn. Today was the day, the day when my carefully crafted plan would come to fruition. I had spent weeks orchestrating every detail, ensuring that nothing would go awry. But now, as the minutes ticked by with no word, a knot of worry tightened in the pit of my stomach. My steps echoed on the polished marble floor as I moved towards the window, peering outside at the sunlit palace grounds. Displeased by the look, I turned into my chambers once more.

I glanced at the ornate clock on the wall, its hands moving at an agonizingly slow pace. How could it be taking so long? The men I had sent were skilled, ruthless even. They were supposed to be the instruments of Evelyn's death, the ones who would rid me of her presence once and for all. But as the seconds turned into minutes, doubt began to creep into my mind like a venomous serpent. Ma
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