
Chapter One Hundred-Eleven

"He is uh...." She trailed off for a few seconds trying to figure out how to complete her hastily concocted story.

"He had much to drink last night and...umh...rang on my bell....long story short he ended up falling asleep here." She blurted out, hoping her lie sounded somewhat plausible.

Edward arched an eyebrow, "Couldn't you have called...I don't know… maybe his family...or someone to help you get him out. And why would he even ask you to come back to the bed?"

Camilla felt a flush of panic at the unexpected turn of the conversation. She quickly tried to salvage her story, her mind racing to come up with a reasonable explanation.

"Oh, well, you see, he lives alone, and he doesn't really have anyone else to rely on. As for the bed thing, he's a heavy sleeper and probably just mumbled something in his sleep. You know how it is."

Edward's expression shifted from curiosity to a mix of skepticism, "Can I come in?" he asked again, his voice tinged with a hint of growing irritation.

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