
Seventy Five


I rolled on the bed towards Nicholas and my hand touched an empty spot which made me open my eyes immediately.

I glanced around the room and caught sight of him stepping into the room. We were in Nicholas room, after the marathon sex we had last night, which did not only get me spent but satisfied, I must have fallen asleep and I guess Nicholas must have carried me here.

"I see you are finally awake" he said then placed the box he carried on the table then walked over to me.

"Good morning, baby" he said then placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning" I mumbled sleepily.

"It's still early, why are you awake already?" I asked. Since he wasn't in his work attire and I was not aware he would return to work anytime soon hence the confusion.

"I woke up early and I couldn't return back to sleep" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh, what are those?" I asked referring to the box he dropped on the table earlier on.

"Those are your stuff" he went back to the table and b
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