
Longing For Each Other!


"Come on kids let's go." Mom said we were ready to go to the McGrath's residence( Mason's house ), mom wants it to be a surprise.

"Yes mom, you and Jayden can go wait for me in the car. I left my phone upstairs, I want to go get it."

"Ok Princess, we'll be waiting." Mom said.

"Make it snappy little girl." Jayden chuckled which made me glare at him playfully before running off to my room.

I was about to pick up my phone from the bed when it rang, the call was from an unknown number, I picked it up.

"Hello." A voice said from the other end, the voice sounded familiar.

"It's me, Stacey, your Dad."

"Dad! I said surprised."

"Yes, it's me, Owens." He was quiet for a while before he spoke up again.

"I'm sorry Stacey, please forgive me."

"It's fine, I have forgiven you, Dad." I sighed. "How have you been?"

"I'm not okay, I miss you all, it's sad being without my family but this is

what I des
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