

At Yang City International Airport...

Sunny stood at the gate, suitcase in hand.

A complacent smile flashed across Sunny's face. Hazel would never think that she would escape this way. She wanted her to square dance to Little Apple? Dream on!

An inferior creature such as her, without influence, money, or background, was like a bug she could easily crush under her heel.

Sunny smoothed down her high-fashion Chanel dress and stepped forward to register. Suddenly, a large hand landed on her shoulder.

She turned around and saw a devilishly handsome man in black standing behind her. His face was expressionless save for that hint of a ruthless smile on his lips.

Her scream got stuck in her throat. She was so frightened that she could not speak a word.


The whole day, Hazel felt a little bored.

She did not go to the hospital to visit Hanson. Instead, she spent the whole day bending over her desk, and her disca
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