
28. Kidnap

"Shey! Shey! Open the door!"

Jay banged on the door as hard as he could. After a few attempts but no answer from Shey, it was Thom's turn to call out to Shey in a rather loud voice.

"Why don't we break it down?" Glenn said.

Thom turned to the confused Jay.

"Right, so we can find out what's happening inside!"

"Try calling him again! If he doesn't answer, we'll have to break in." Jay ordered.

Thom nodded and tried to call Shey back. After two buzzes, there was no answer. And on the third ring...

"Hello, Thom?"

"Hello, Shey? Are you home? You're okay. Did something bad happen?"

"I'm on my way to the hospital! I'll be there in a minute."

Jay breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness. Oh yeah, Haris's there! I told him to watch Ruby for a while. If you're not comfortable, tell him to go home."

"Haris? What do you mean?"

Shey vaguely heard muttering to herself.

The situation was even more confusing now.

"Hello, Jay? Are you still there? I thought I had to stop by the hospi
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