
3. Secret

 It felt like a giant hammer had fallen from the sky and stuck straight into Ruby's heart.

She hurriedly hid her knuckles under the table, squeezing her dress. A wolf's nails will lengthen when it faces a threat.

"What do you mean? What kind of ridiculous statement is that?” Ruby's words added a chuckle. She searched longer for the meaning behind Jay's mysterious gaze.

"I mean, I know that blue-eyed humans are scarce, and I have to say yours is the prettiest," said Jay.

Only then did Ruby's nails shrink. Ruby breathed a sigh of relief while Jay pulled himself back into his seat.

“Why do you look tense, darling?”

“Because of your… flattery? And, we are rather intimate, too.” Rubi was half honest, half evasive. Next, ask the question back.

"How about you? Are your eyes red? Are you wearing eye lenses or a vampire?”

A boomerang. Ruby hugged, proud of her bright idea.

“Vampire?” Jay laughed. “You like watching movies, don't you? What a cute girl!”

A vampire's pinch is similar to a crab's pinch. The pain is not felt. The discomfort is extraordinary. Still, Ruby couldn't stand her cheeks being teased.

“They can't possibly exist in the real world, Darling. Do you believe in conspiracy theories?”

“No, not really. Forget it, I'm kidding. After all, vampire characters will continue to be popular for centuries. General stuff doesn't mean I like it. To be honest, talking about vampires is a little scary," explained Ruby.

"Is it true? Don't cover anything up. If I talk like that, you may fear my interest in you will decrease. Do not worry, dear. It's not a big deal. Instead—” Jay propped both arms on the table surface. His head tilted with a teasing smile, "tell me more about you.”

“What do you want to know?”

"Let's talk about it somewhere else," Jay said.

Ruby raised one eyebrow. In her heart, she wondered what kind of place modern vampires used to execute their prey. They must play special tricks in this age of advanced technology, increasing knowledge, and human reasoning.

The four-wheeled vehicle glides smoothly, leaving behind the reflections of the city lights. Jay closes the car's roof when the fluttering of lush trees hits Ruby's open shoulders.

“Want to wear my suit? You look cold.” Jay offered.

Ruby's tongue held back a moan, and she shook her head. Jay should have done that a long time ago. It was discovered that this vampire rarely watched romance dramas. His days must be dull taking care of corporate vampires.

Ruby leaned her head against the soft backrest. Secretly glancing at the way, Jay looked at the empty street—a gap in time where the vampire discarded the fake romantic treatment.

Eyelids closed, empty, no signs of life.


He lives eternally, decidedly confined to the role of a human, and gathers a clan without unity in it. The vampires generally live alone, like stormy prey, selfish.

Ruby's mind was filled with questions about the formation of RED-EYEZ and the secrets behind it. Ruby suspected that important people surrounded Jay. Its power must be great so that it can accommodate ignorant creatures working together to build a bloody industry.

Amazingly, it has survived for centuries, adapting to developments over time. Interesting, but Ruby's interests brought them down.

Ruby turned, lifted herself, and checked her surroundings. By the way, where is Jay trying to take him? 

At first, Ruby thought they were heading towards an abandoned building. However, the left side is surrounded by trees, while on the right side, there are many ravines. Only a few buildings remain.

Was he taken into the middle of the forest? Or worse, does Jay already know and intend to return her to Baskerville? Ruby arranged for pick-up at the station previously. How could Jay know?

The car kept going. The wind slipped through the hinges, and Ruby realized the wind downstream was much more piercing. She lowered the window and found a cliff covering a bay that was being crushed by waves.

High seas! Ruby was impressed by the opening of her thoughts.

Once upon a time, one of the other wolves drowned in the sea. Her body was destroyed after being discovered six days later. Haris was then moved to research. He said, the sea was a mass grave without bodies.

If bodies are put into water when oxygen conditions are tolerable, large animals will eat them first. Then, the body will be opened to smaller animals. The sea monsters cleaned up the rest of the vampires' mess. However, this is just conjecture.

"Where?" Ruby confirmed.

“You want to see the sea?”

The hairs on Ruby's neck bristled. Jay couldn't possibly have the ability to read minds. If that were true, with all the evil thoughts Ruby had about him, Jay would have just dumped her.

Honestly, Jay looks whacky. So, who fell into whose trap?


"Do you think Ruby will make it?"

Thomas asked Shey, who was busy roasting rabbit meat. The hot flesh burned Thom's lips. “Ahh! Hot!"

"No need to overdo it," said Shey.

"I'm just asking!"

"Ah, that alibi again. Besides, why are you so happy to ask?” Shey dropped a skewer onto the broadleaf.

"The ancestors said it's embarrassing to ask if you get lost on the road!"

“Then ask your ancestors there! How do I know whether Ruby will succeed or not? I can't predict. Are you crazy?"

“We're talking possibilities, Baby. Try to calculate it," asked Thom.

“Is it important??”

"Just think, with Ruby's clumsy character, can she handle acting?"

“Her self-control is good, um, maybe after being careless once. She quickly realizes her mistakes and doesn't repeat them twice," said Shey, picking up a cooked roast. The first bite was quite challenging.

“What makes you think that?”

“We wolves are born, evolve in adolescence, and age like humans. Ruby's birth and evolution were a little different from ours.”

“What the hell, why don't I know?” Thom protested.

“Listen first! The story of his life is only told among the werewolves."

"So what? So what's the difference?”

“Ruby is directly connected to the gods.”

Shey adjusted her sitting position, facing directly at Thom.

"You have to promise not to tell your other male friends this story. So far, only Glenn knows because he is an Alpha, and his job is to serve Ruby."

Patting his chest promises that his lover's wishes will be kept until the end of his life. “Shey Harumi, you can always entrust everything to me.”

“Ruby's mother's death was seen as a shame, and it was connected to Zeus, Hera, and Artemis. So we protect it.”

“W-w-what?” Tom stuttered. “I can't believe I'm hearing about them again in the 21st century, but how is that possible?”

Shey looked up to the sky, asking the stars for permission.

“People focus on the fact that she is a descendant of Lykaon but often forget exactly from whose womb Ruby was born. Kallisto, Ruby's biological mother and daughter of Likaon, whom Zeus tempted. Therefore, she changed her name to Diana. Ruby's mother is a follower of the Goddess Artemis. Zeus raped her, and Kallisto became pregnant.”

Thom cupped his mouth. "Terrifying."

"According to stories passed down from generation to generation, Kallisto was pregnant with a son named Arkas and killed his mother after Hera cursed Kallisto to become a bear. Likaon killed Arkas, serving his flesh to Zeus. An angry Zeus cursed Likaon to become the wolf king, while Arkas and his mother became the constellations.

“Wait,” Thomas interjected, “my brain is forming its storyline, maybe….”

"Correct. No one knew that Kallisto had previously given birth to a daughter before what Zeus did. Unfortunately, no one knew who Ruby's father was, not even the elders. If her mother and sister were cursed to become bears and constellations, her grandfather's curse would also affect the daughter—Wolf Queen, Zeta—because Lycaon was the one who hid it.”

Thom's sudden grab closed the story. Thom's yellow irises lit up with orange rays as he looked at her far away.

"Do you think Artemis will draw her flaming bow and shoot us?"

"What do you mean?"

Shey turned, following Thom's gaze. The fire roared upwards about fifteen kilometers behind the big trees as if something were surrounding it.

Shey quickly stood up, throwing the logs carelessly.

"Hey... hey... we have to check what's there," said Shey quietly.

"You want us to sacrifice ourselves to Artemis?"

Shey patted Thom's head. "That's not Artemis, you idiot."

"So what? Could it be someone who was camping and lit a campfire?”

Shey's eyes narrowed, trying to look around for whoever had started the mysterious fire. Shrouded in a cloud of smoke, the hood of a black-robed person disguised the darkness of the night. The bridge of his nose was entirely out of shape. Shey's vision was being deceived, or the person's face was covered.

"There is someone! Come on! Check it quickly!”

Shey ran in the lead, followed by Thomas, who became a wolf with an orange and black pattern. He reflexively transformed faster than the others. Shey slowed down a few steps near the burning barrel. Thomas's four legs automatically made the leaves rustle.

Shey's nose flared, but deflating wasn't easy, as if inhaled smoke binds the lungs. The airway to the brain is blocked. The world around Shey spun.

“Ah… my head,” Shey groaned, wringing her hair shaggy volume.

The girl staggered, crashing into Thom's furry body. Thom's legs wobbled. He squeaked, begging the gods to let him hold on to support his lover's body. Unfortunately, the smoke is indiscriminate, penetrating rough skin.

Thom howled, his consciousness suddenly snatched away.


Being invited to see the sea in Jay's style was beyond Ruby's expectations. It stands as tall as the lighthouse can be seen with the naked eye.

Jay's villa rises firmly on the west side of the beach, protected by wave-proof concrete walls. Jay joins the all-glass balcony as thick as a history textbook. A furry blanket drapes over Ruby's shoulders.

"How? The sea is that big, right?”

“Amazing! I didn't think you had a place as cool as this. Let me guess: this is just one of your unique residences. Do you live alone? I haven't seen any guards since I first entered.” Ruby made small talk.

"I always live alone," said Jay. His wry smile confused Ruby. Was what he said part of the story scenario, or not?

"Ah, sorry, was I presumptuous?"

Jay wrapped his fingers around the metal barrier. "Of course not. I enjoy talking about myself every time. It feels like half your world is warm when someone listens.”

"Is it true? I'm happy to listen.”

“Well, not very interesting. It's just the story of an orphanage child who received a scholarship and was employed by a company that became as big as it is now," said Jay, his slow blink seeming to dispel the heat in his eyes.

Is that a glimpse of the story of his old life before being overcome by bloodlust?

"We have something in common," Ruby said, her comforting instinct coming out spontaneously.

Wolf children often invite them to play whenever they are sad. For them, the Officer is like a mother, whereas Zeta is more like a friends. Ruby always overcomes children's boredom by creating fantastic games, cleverly validating their little hearts. The children don't hesitate; they even brag about themselves, ' Our friend is a queen!' on wolf clans in other habitats.

“My darling?”

One of Jay's elbows perched. The twinkle in his red pupils was like a galaxy explosion. Where the stars scatter to form red rock fragments. For an instant, Ruby was hypnotized and quickly looked down, avoiding Jay's enchanting gaze. Instead, His gaze landed on a red ruby necklace, which looked beautiful.

“Ruby? Why daydream? Are you alright? Do you feel sick?”

“Oh?” Ruby said like she was in a daze.

"You haven't answered my statement."

Swept away by the strange connection, Ruby forgot about the conversation. Her index fingernail scratched her forehead. Luckily, the memory flashed quickly because Ruby remembered her sobbing feelings when she heard Jay's short story.

“Hm you said you live in an orphanage, right? Me too!"

“Are you from the orphanage?” Jay's intonation was slow, seemingly hesitant to ask again.

Ruby shook her head. In a twisted way, she and Jay were raised by non-biological parents. This is an excellent narrative to use as bait, but it doesn't sound perfect. I don't know why Ruby blamed herself for paying attention earlier. Jay's charm influences her, and she feels she has to take responsibility.

Ruby stuck to her original plan: conjure up all of Jay's falsehoods and create a weapon to lure him into a trap.

“I also feel like living in an orphanage without a father and mother. Even though, in reality, I was only treated by a certain group," said Ruby, smiling, pretending to be tough.


“Yup. The difference was that, at that time, there were no friends my age. Adults surrounded me. Yeah, it didn't feel much different from an orphanage?"

Jay's sweet mouth stopped uttering broken words. Instead, he replaced it with a hug that froze the Queen. Down there, Ruby's fingers clenched into fists. Jay's hand, originally gently patting Ruby's back, came down to wrap around the girl's tiny waist.

"What are you doing?" Ruby asked. Her breathing became heavy as Jay's chest pressed against hers.

"It doesn't mean anything. I'm just providing a little comfort," Jay explained, stroking Ruby's head.

Nonsense. The girl's eyes rolled. But Ruby was happy to return Jay's hug. Her fingers stretched across Jay's back. Time was almost here. Ruby's nails were sticking out, and her fingers were bent, ready to dig in the juice nightshade smeared on her nails.

"Thank you," Ruby said goodbye without being noticed.

The tips of Ruby's nails shrunk. Jay loosened the hug, lifting Ruby's chin to kiss the lips.

“If you want to thank—”

Ruby's breath hitched. She didn't know what had just happened. Her heart was beating fast after feeling Jay's soft kiss. Even though it's short, it leaves you addicted. Ruby swallowed hard, staring closely at Jay's twitching lips, waiting for the diction that blesses her ears.

“Please be mine tonight.”

Jay continued the action, capturing Ruby's lips, which were slightly parted. The Queen welcomed the hot game. The blood of the two monsters rippled violently. The bloodthirsty hunter waits for his prey to give up, while the girl of the hot blood takes over the game. Ruby deepened the kiss, delaying Jay's movement down her neck, and launched her original intention, sinking her fangs.

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