
Chapter 5

Chris’ POV

One month had passed since Nicole's accident. Investigators said that Nicole's body could not be found. They assumed that Nicole's body was burnt up in the accident, as well as the taxi driver's, since the car exploded, leaving only the skeleton of the car behind. Others say that wild animals ate the bodies in the area, as the rescue team arrived too late. All are assumptions, and no one knows what happened to them. But what is certain is that they are dead.

I don't understand how I feel right now. I don't want to think about what happened before and try to forget about it. And, now, I've been faced with something I can't avoid because what Adeline Martinez said the other day about the wedding happened—the marriage of the two Grant-Martinez families.

I don't know what to say because, at this moment I'm already at the altar to perform the marriage blessing. I have stood here before, but this time, I will be the groom of Adeline Martinez, who is none other than Nicole's step-sister. On this altar, I still vividly remember Nicole's face, which was initially very happy, then turned sad in just a few minutes. I can't forget that tearful face.

"Oh, Christian, I have never felt this happy before. We're getting married! We're going to be husband and wife soon!" Adeline exclaimed as she shook my arm.

I just furrowed my brow. I wasn't as happy as she said I was.

The wedding went smoothly, with no hitches like the previous wedding blessing. I could see Adeline smiling with satisfaction after we had made our vows in front of God, the priest, and the witnesses. However, what I'm feeling right now is completely indescribable. It's like I don't feel anything at this wedding.

My feelings are empty.

After the church, we went to the hotel hall for the reception. We received many congratulations from all the guests. I could see that my mom and the Martinez family looked thrilled with the wedding. All the guests were also happy. But it was different for me, who seemed to be in the middle of nothing. I didn't feel anything. Neither happy nor sad.

The day had turned into night. By this time, I was already in my room at home. Lying on the bed. My body felt exhausted after the boring event earlier. However, I was surprised by Adeline's sudden presence in my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked, horrified at the woman who is currently my wife. How could I not? She was wearing very sexy lingerie, trying to tease me.

I got up from my previously lying position, standing right next to the bed and staring at her with a cold gaze.

Adeline smiled sweetly at me. She gracefully moved her body as if she wanted to pounce on me alive.

"Tonight is our first night. So we should spend some time together," she said in an artificially spoiled voice. Of course, I knew, but I wasn't in the mood. I was so tired, whether it was my body or my mind.

Adeline was now right in front of me. Her hand grazes my chest, which is still wearing a shirt, stroking it gently with her delicate fingers. Her face had also come closer to my neck, and she sniffed it. I swallowed. She was teasing me with everything she did, but I didn't feel anything from her touch. I felt so uncomfortable that I pushed Adeline's body away from me so roughly that she fell onto the bed. She was shocked.

"Get away from me. You look like a slut."

"Why did you do that, Christian?!" Adeline yelled angrily at me. She was angry with what I was doing to her.

"I'm tired." Then, I avoided her by turning my back on her. I let out a long breath.

"This is our wedding night. You shouldn't be acting like this to me!" Adeline yelled behind me.

After saying that, Adeline was shouting incoherently, and it annoyed me even more. I turned my body back towards her. She's such an insane woman. "Will you shut up?!"

Adeline was still yelling, making my head hurt, and didn't care about my bluster.

"You can't ignore me, Christian! I'm your wife! You can't ignore me!" Adeline shouted again.

I stepped over to her, who was still sitting on the bed. I held her hand firmly so that I could see Adeline was surprised that what I did to her managed to silence her mouth. "I'm exhausted, and this wedding is a family wedding. So you don't act up in front of me. Understand?!" I said with emphasis.

Our gazes met, and I could see her eyes glaring as I stared intently at her. Adeline looks scared right now. And that was enough to make me feel better.

I threw her hand away very roughly, then stepped away from her. I walked out of the room, leaving Adeline alone there.


Adeline yelled for me, but I continued walking towards the mini bar in the wing of the house. I needed something that would calm me down.

I'm at the bar table alone, with a drink that might calm my nerves. I couldn't bear to stay in the room with that woman who would only drive me crazy.

"How this day has upset me." I took another sip of the drink. Once satisfied, I chose to end my drinking. I'd better go to the guest room to rest. So I left the mini bar and staggered down the hallway to the guest room.

"Christian, what are you doing here?" It was my mother's voice, and I chose not to turn to her. At times like this, I was too lazy to bother with her. I don't know how she could be outside her room at this hour. I thought she was resting in her room after being exhausted from the event.

"You smell like alcohol. Didn't you sleep with Adeline in your room?" Mom asked again, and it really made me sick. We were standing close now, and she could smell the alcohol on my face.

"You're meddling too much with my business. Please get out of my way!" I said rudely to her.

Mom linked her eyebrows, glaring at me. "Christian, you must know this is best for you. Don't ever think about that damn woman again. Now she's dead and burning in hell."

I could hear the hateful tone in mom's voice towards Nicole, the fact that she was gone and mom still hated her so much. I let out a long breath. "Of course, I don't think about her anymore."

And, of course, I was lying because I had been thinking about her.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Helen Grace Hanopol
how come he hated Nicole suddenly without giving any reason for rejecting Nicole at the altar and hating her to the bone. why did he marry Adeline without rejecting her at the alter although he is against it? what kind of story is this? it’s obvious his mother ordered Nicoles assassination.
goodnovel comment avatar
lorna florencio
Chris is so weak i don’t like his character

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