
Chapter 0027


Since Emily gone to the whole world, Inheritance was passed on to the Timberlakes. Jackson's wealth and fame had skyrocketed. He was now a renowned figure, married to Amelia, who had taken the reins of Emily's company, Greenfield Industries and Image corpses enterprise, alongside her uncle, the CEO.

This powerful couple was hosting an exclusive evening gathering at their opulent mansion, and the who's who of the rich and famous were in attendance.

The atmosphere was electric, with anticipation building as the guests awaited the arrival of the evening's guest of honor, Mrs. Ava Richardson, Luke's wife.

With a social media following of over 100 billion, Ava was a global phenomenon, and her marriage to Luke had only added to her allure.

As the minutes ticked by, the hum of conversation and clinking glasses filled the air. Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as Ava made her entrance. The door opening with a loud roar and a light shining behind Ava and her hair following along with the breeze.

She slowly ascended the grand staircase, her long, red gown flowing behind her like a river of fire. A glittering crown adorned her head, and her flawless face radiated a warm, golden glow.

The room was transfixed as Ava's charm drew everyone's attention. Her poise and grace were mesmerizing, and the ladies couldn't help but gossip about how stunning she looked.

"She's absolutely breathtaking!"

"That dress was made for her! It’s one of a kind. Only one of that dress was made. They said it was sold out, shit! It can’t be…"

"And that crown – she's truly a queen!"

The ladies giggle anxiety bitting them away.

As Ava reached the top of the stairs, she smiled, and the room erupted into applause. Jackson and Amelia welcomed her with warm smiles.

Jackson held the microphone, a sly grin spreading across his face. "I didn't know Mrs. Ava Richardson was this beautiful! Luke, is such a lucky man!" The crowd erupted into laughter and applause.

Ava's face wore a fake smile, her eyes sparkling with a hint of annoyance. Every one present at this gathering were influencial with their own set of popularity on social media, making them stand out with much power.

However with Luke Richardson’s money, And Ava charm and looks, no one topped her. She could just end one with the snap of her eyes.

"Thank you, Jackson, you're too kind," she forced herself to say, her voice dripping with sweetness. "I might blush my face off!" The crowd laughed louder, and Ava's smile grew wider, but her eyes told a different story.

Inwardly, she thought, "After all these years, I'm finally back. It’s time I take my revenge. It’s time I strike back!.” A grin appears at the side of her lips curving into a smile.

Amelia, standing beside Jackson, extended her hand. "I'm Amelia Clifford, and it's an honor to meet you, Ava Richardson, up close. I’m Jackson’s wife." Ava took her hand, her grip firm. "Oh really!”

Ava almost scoffed, like she caredless. But she remained unshaken. “It's okay, Amelia. Please, call me Ava." They nodded at each other, and Amelia ushered her to a seat at the front, specially provided for her.

As Ava sat down, she surveyed the room, her eyes scanning the faces of the elite members. She knew she was here to make a statement, and she was ready to play the game.

The crown on her head seemed to sparkle in agreement, and the red gown shimmered in the light, as if echoing her inner thoughts: "I'm back, and I'm here to stay to take back everything."

After the event was over, a sleek black limousine waited outside, its engine purring softly. Ava approached the car slowly, her long gown flowing behind her as she descended the stairs.

Jackson quickly rushed to her side, offering his hand to help her down the last few steps.

“Let me help.”As his hands touched hers, a shock passed through her, and she felt a sudden jolt of discomfort. That touch. Her memories reappears in her head and she almost lost her composure.

"I'm alright, I can walk," she said, trying to brush off his assistance. Forcing a smile on her pretty flawless face.

Jackson looked concerned but nodded, biting his finger thoughtfully. "Okay, can we meet sometime? To discuss…I never knew you would show up today. I’m so happy and I really appreciate it.”

Ava smiled and continued waking. She wanted to be away from Jackson immediately. “When they said Luke’s wife returned, I just didn’t believe it. would she come? I kept asking myself." he spoke, his eyes lingering on hers.

Ava forced a smile and stopped walking, her voice cold. "it’s alright Jackson. I’m just glad I came. We have a lot of getting to business talk we should do. In the main time, You should speak to my assistant if you need anything."

With that, she slid into the car, Jackson's hands protectively covering her head to prevent her from hitting it on the doorframe. He closed the door behind her, and she let out a sigh of relief.

As the car pulled away, Ava pinched her chest, feeling a sharp pain. She reached into her clutch and pulled out a small pill, forcing it down her throat. She dropped the empty container and gazed at the screen of her cellphone in front of her; it was Luke, calling from the States.

"Where are you?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Ava remained silent, her eyes fixed forward. He face straight.

"You shouldn't have gone back," Luke said, frustration evident in his tone. "Come back to the States, Ava. I'll take care of you. We can think about all this….okay, is it revenge you want? I can help you with it, just come back."

"It's alright, Luke," she said softly. "There's no need for you to help me. I appreciate everything you've done for me, but this fight is mine."

With that, she cut the call and gazed out the tinted glass, her eyes fixed on Jackson and Amelia. They were smiling, their lips locked in a tender kiss. Ava's lips curled into a cold, calculated smile. "It’s time You pay for everything," she whispered under her breath. “Just wait and watch.”

The car zoomed off.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Belinda Flores
Stupid — she and Luke should work together

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