
Chapter 37: Equestrianism


By the time I woke up, Hunter was no longer in bed.

Where did he go?

I searched for him in the bedroom. But no traces of my boss.

Stretching my hands in the air and went downstairs. His maids greeted me. And I responded back.

I was still looking for Hunter. I have no idea where he will go during his day off.

His maids were too busy. And I’m shy to disturb them by asking if they see Hunter.

So, my instincts tell me to find him on my own. My feet dragged me to the pool area.

The sun hits the water in the pool, glistening as if they are small diamonds reflected by light.

I yawned.

“Boo!” Ian jumpscares me behind my back and held my shoulders.

He laughed.

I clutched my chest. My heart pounded so loud. “Fuck you,” I cursed at him.

Ian just laughed. “And good morning to you too,” he greeted.

An eye roll was my response. Crossing my arms, tucked beneath my chest and heaved a sigh.

“You’re looking for him?” Ian pulled a chair on the table near the pool.

I sat across from him. “Whe
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