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Lyka's P.O.V

He excused himself from the table before I had a chance to stop him. I followed him through the hallway to the west wing.

"Wait," I called and he stopped.

He turned around poised his eyes meeting with mine.

"What should I call you? Mr. Harry or Gabriel?" I asked consciously.

"Gabriel, that's my name." he replied in a monotonous voice.

I walked closer to him stopping a few inches from him.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? You do realize it would have made things easier?"

"It wasn't my place to tell, I did what I had to do and that was to protect you." his calm baritone voice replied.

"How did you find out where I was?" I asked.

"It's my job to protect you and that includes knowing where you are all the time."

"Great, sorry about drugging your friends by the way." I apologized hesitantly.

"I would say I didn't expect that Lyka but I guess not my best prediction. Something bad would have happened to you. And about Lincoln and Derek, they know the rules."

The bald head and the blond

"It's not that easy to accept that your life turned over night from being a normal college student to being.. I don't know. It sucks."

Gabriel stares me for a while hands in his pocket.

"We all face sudden changes in life Lyka. It's not you alone who has lost, we all have sacrificed something to survive."

I didn't know what he meant by that but being here, am losing a lot in life. This is like a new identity to me.

Was everything about him so serious? His voice was calm but at the same time intimidating. He had an answer to each question and if I was curious at first, am more curious now. I want to figure him out.

"If you think this is a sick game Lyka, you better set your head straight."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"We don't play games here, everything might be new to you but you are going to have to figure it out. These people don't need a lousy messed up college student." he said and turned on his heel leaving me to my annoyed self.

just forget about that so easily.

Early next morning, I decide to visit the library. The place where I could learn about everything I needed to know.

I reached the dead silent place walking over to the shelves spotting a red hardcover big volume book.

The history of werewolves.

I coughed a little when I retrieved it from the shelf due to the dust. I sat on the table and read from the beginning. I needed answers to everything and I am going to find them myself.

It all started in the fourteenth century where a group of people lived on a small village and one day they were attacked by unknown people. These people wanted to take over their land.

Many people died, children, women and men. This hit the chief so hard and in order to save his people, he went to a known witch. He asked him to give him strength to protect his people. He got a circle of six men with him during the full moon.

Amidst the circle the witch performed a ritual, she made them drink blood from a special cup. The witch cast a spell that night that turned them into werewolves. They were stronger and faster. They managed to get victory over their enemies. From then, the clan grew because whoever was bitten or born of these, became a were wolf.

They lived in packs and if you were one of them, you belonged to a pack. Those who broke the rules, became rogues. These were killed when they became dangerous and where not allowed to enter the pack. They were shunned forever.

For several years, no woman had managed to turn into a werewolf even the baby girls who were born of werewolf father. Those who were bitten couldn't resist the pain in transforming and soon died. There were no women werewolves until one child.

According to the witch, she was  the pure one, the future to the werewolves. The girl grew up in a small village with her parents. Kara was a normal human being. When the werewolves learnt of her pure blood, they attacked the village and took her.

She was bitten by the alpha of the pack that took him. It was a painful transformation but s

Kara survived. She became the first woman werewolf. What they didn't know that she was stronger than they thought. She was faster and more dangerous. They had created a weapon of massive destruction.

She avenged for her parent's death and then she became the first woman alpha. The women she bit could transform and that's how women werewolves came into existence.

Her pack became the ruling pack of other packs. From then, women had been alphas of the ruling pack.

It means if my mom was the alpha, she descended from Kara, the Empress. This was a lot of information I have learnt from this book. I read that witches were quite important to the were wolves. They predicted the future, advisors and great people they trusted.

I am pretty sure I haven't seen one here. It all started with a spell and that's why they trusted the witches.

I opened another page and this was about the Lunar eclipse. The Lunar cycle which is a period of nineteen years after which the new moon and full moon return to the same day of the year. In this year, at the time of the full moon, the alpha graces the people with her presence.

She must show her worth to the people, pure of heart and blood. She only can save the people from a war.

After this I covered the book and read through the ancestors from the first werewolf, the wars they conquered from the blood suckers, the vampires. They fought many battles with the rogues that went astray.

The alphas who sacrificed their lives for people. The courage they portrayed, pure acts of kindness.

I was now wondering if I am that alpha, will I be able to live up to the expectations?

I almost got a heart attack when I realized Sebastian was in front of me.


"There you are, I have been searching the whole place for you." Sebastian smiled.

"I needed some answers," I reply when I calm down.

"I see, how about we go do something else other than cave around." he suggested.

I chuckled at his calling my being in the library for hours caving.

"Alright but we have to first get food, am very hungry." I said and we both left the library.

I realized it was already three in the evening. Sure I had been caving.

After the heavy late lunch, Sebastian took me to the tennis court. We played tennis the whole evening where I beat Sebastian badly.

"You are a badass at this game." Sebastian muttered.

"I warned you." I smirked at him.

We were all sweaty from the back to back playing.

Sebastian unintentionally removes his sweat shocked shirt.

Oh my God!

I am now gawking at the hot masculine body in front of me.

"Hey Lyka, you okay?" Sebastian asks.

Not at all. Not when that hot body is flaunted at me.

Was Sebastian doing this on purpose? If that's the case, he surely is succeeding.

" Am fine," I answer awkwardly my eyes diverting to the far woods.

You really need to get laid.

"Oh my God Lyka!" he says in a teasing voice.

Sebastian has seen through my lie and I think I made it easier by my flushing face.

Damn hormones.

Sebastian walked closer to me and my heart rate accelerates. The smirk on his face is a total give away.

He immediately flushes me closer to his body in an instant.


"Oh Lyka, you know you can always say what you want." he smirks wider.

Oh Jesus, this is not happening now.

"It's not what you think Sebastian," I splutter.

"Is that it? then why were you gawking at my body lustily." he teases further his hands on my waist.

I need to stop this this instant before things channel the wrong way.

"Get over yourself Sebastian," I push him away walking away while he chuckles arrogantly behind me.

Soon he catches up with me still chuckling.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. It was just fun seeing you frustrated." he smiled.

"Not funny Sebastian." I roll my eyes.

"It was just a little tease, it's not that you don't tease me the whole time." he winks at me and I elbow him playfully.


"In fact am pretty proud of my good looking face."

"You are so full of yourself."

We walk together to the house where I spot Gabriel watching us from the west wing, hands in his pockets, his usual arrogant self-demeanor.

"See you later Sebastian," I smile at him before I walk away to the East wing.

Seeing him makes my anger accelerate, he looked down on me like he was perfect.

I have to prove him wrong about me that I can be able to live up to his expectations, to what these people need

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