
Chapter Eighty one - Sleeping Beauty awakens


Even in sleep, she still had a gracious look and was very beautiful. I held her hand in mine caressing it and it twitched.

I looked at her face for any signs and her eyebrow twitched. I gasped, clasping her hand tight and her eyelids opened revealing her eyes.

Those icy blue eyes.

"I feel safe when you stare at me with your icy blue eyes," I said with a chuckle as her eyes rested on me before roaming around the room.

She sat up, I released my grip from her hand and she held her head with a contorted look. "Do you need-"

"It's okay, I'm fine." Her voice came out raspy, she had been unconscious for days so a headache was normal.

The door pried open to reveal Mobali walking in with a tray of food in his hand; his lunch. As his eyes landed on Kaerlia, he dropped the lunch on the nearest table and walked to her.

"Mo!" she exclaimed as she jumped from the bed and into his arms. My eyes widened in surprise and Mobali mirrored my expression.

"Kaerlia." He replied hugging her back,
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