
19- Boston

“This pot is not exactly what I had in mind,” Mom complained as I heaved the gigantic thing out of the back of my car outside the winery the next day. “You’re kidding, right? The painting place girl told me you picked it out yourself.” I stared at my mother, trying to decide if I was more aggravated about the pot or about the meddling attempt to push El back into my arms

when she clearly wasn’t ready.

“I did. I just, I really thought you’d put a bit more effort into painting


“What was your goal in sending me there, Mom? To get a painted pot,

or to get El and I to talk?”

Mom frowned. “Both. But the pot would have been nice to have when people show up for the festival this weekend.”

“The festival is about wine and food, not gargantuan pots. What are you going to put in this thing, anyway?”

Mom shrugged. “I don’t know. I just thought something grand, something to really make a statement might be required. No one knows us

yet, and I want them to see that we
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