

My insides warmed and jittered around in a very distracting way, and I was forced to let go of her hand in order to try to control the physical reactions that were screaming to life within me. “Um. Well, I feel like a lot of people draw on their own eyebrows anyway,” I pointed out.

At that moment, our server appeared with our meals, and her drawn-on eyebrows were pulled quite low over her eyes as she took in our new seating arrangement.

“You’re both going to sit on one side of the table while you eat, then?” she asked, not waiting for an answer before saying, “How cute,” in a way that indicated she did not think this was especially cute. She picked up all of Hannah’s utensils and moved them to where Hannah now sat at my side and let out a sigh. “Anything else?”

“We’re good, thanks,” I said, having a hard time looking at her now that I’d begun thinking too hard about her eyebrows. Hannah elbowed me in the ribs, and I launched into a coughing fit to stop from laughing.

“Oookay, then,” t
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