

Done for the day, I power off my computer, anything else can wait. I head downstairs to see what's going on. Making sure to steal some snacks from the kitchen downstairs before Tommy comes back and clears the entire thing, I go check on my children, It is the first time Niko is watching the by himself for so long and so far he's doing so well, my little girl can be a little terrorist sometimes, I should go and help him out.

Angelo is napping away in his crib, and Caela is lying on her father's chest, eyes wide open. “It’s nap time,” I say entering the room and shutting the door behind me.

“She refuses to sleep” The both of them are lying on the couch, Niko has one leg bent at the knee, the other stretched out, one hand cupping the back of her head, it is obvious he hasn't been able to keep her still long enough to fall asleep.

I scoffed. And she’ll probably be cranky the rest of the day.

No thanks.

I’ve already had my fill of crying infants to last me an entire week.

“Let me try
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