
Sixty Three


"You have been staring at me like that for over five minutes, young master." Hoots said.

Nicholas blinked his eyes simultaneously.

"Have I?" He asked.

"Yes." Hoots responded.

Nicholas sat uprightly. He carried the cup of wine in front of him.

"They sell the best wine here, yeah?" Nicholas asked.

"Yes," Hoots responded. "They had it shipped from outside the walls.

Hoots said, and Nicholas just nodded his head in agreement to what he was saying.

Hoots remembered the words of the old man he met at the boundary. He wanted to tell Nicholas, but he was hesitating…

"Do you know any old man?" Hoots asked Nicholas.

Nicholas looked at him blankly. Definably no words were coming forth but he maintained that stern look urging Hoots to say more, but Hoots couldn't.

"How about you and Avery?" Hoots asked, hoping he did forget about everything they came here to discuss.

"Turns out when you spend time with someone and don't kill them, you actually become lovers." Nicholas
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