

“W-what?” I croaked out and it felt like the world had stopped in that split moment, nothing else mattered but the determined look in his steel blue eyes that were burning into mine.

“I love you.” He repeated effortlessly. A tear rolled down my cheeks and my eyes widened. “I love you so, so much Danielle.” He continued and I took in a sharp breath.

“I don’t know when it happened or how or...” He trailed off and stood up from where he had knelt in front of me. “I don’t know...” He took a few paces from me before he turned and continued. “I don’t know when and how this happened. But I know it did, And maybe I do know but—”

“How?” the word rolled out of my mouth. Tyler froze in his step. He looked like he was about to say something but I beat him to it and rolled my wheel towards him. “How can you love someone like me? Are you insane?” I questioned with tear-filled eyes.

“Have you ever seen my track record? Everyone I’ve loved or who has loved me either ends up leaving me or dying.” I i
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