

"You are finally here," Mr. Adam smith spoke from behind his desk the moment I stepped into the office. Mr. Hermès had opened the door.

“I figured I should come and you know, at least what I would be working on,” I replied in a soft tone. The man nodded and tore his gaze from his laptop to me. He had grey eyes and the edges of his lips curled upwards as he stared at me in what seemed to be a wide grin.

“Come in, have a seat.” Mr. Adams offered gingerly.

I nodded and sat on the chair that was opposite his. My feet tapped against the ground tentatively as I licked my lips and rubbed my hands together.

“Your designs were very alluring and I assume that if you are here, it’s to accept my offer, right?” he asked.

“Well, not exactly,” I chuckled nervously. “You’ll never believe this, but I lost the file you gave me that day so I didn’t have time to go through the job description properly, I came to request if I could get it and perhaps make my decision now?” I rushed out.

The man simply n
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