
Morgan High School

Jake widened his eyes and stared at her face intensely.

"You... Who the hell are you!"

"I don't know. That's why I need you" Tessa whispered.

"What did you just say"

Tessa inhaled deeply and brought her lips towards his ear.

"Find out who I am"

Jake scoffed as her face made it's way back to his face.

"Do you think I'm a vamp-

"Vampire, my ass!" He laughed.


"You aren't a vampire, sweet blood"

"Stop calling me that"

"Vampires don't taste their fellow vampire blood or find it sweet. And we know one when we see one. You aren't a hybrid either" Jake said.

"Then, what am I? A sorceress? Just like Mabel?"

"Seriously? Do you even know about her? How much do you know?"

"A lot. and I can't apprehend all this. Jake, can you find out what I am?"

Jake rubbed his forehead.

"What powers do you have?" He asked.

"Well, I noticed, I can see what people truly are. Like if you are a vampire, hybrid, magician, and all stuff like that. Also, their powers don't work on me-

Jake scoffed.

"What's it n
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