
Search for fairy

Dustin took them to the second stop. They appeared in Hunter's room. He was in the shower taking his bath to come out and meet four strangers in his room, he was shocked and the fact he was just in his towel. He look flustered when he saw a familiar face among the four guys. Damian looked away immediately he noticed the vampire was showing way too much skin.

“What are you guys doing in my room, did anyone see you enter”. Hunter was surprised as to how they came into his room. The palace was heavily guarded. It was hard to get pass them without being noticed, There were guards situated in every hall in the palace.

“No one did”. Dustin said.

“Who are you?”. Hunter was somehow scared, he wondered what the four guys were doing in his room. He thought about them being there to kidnap him but when he looked at Damian he knew he was safe. He just knew and can bet his life on it.

“I’m Dustin”. Dustin introduced himself and this is Amayah, Michael, and Damian.

“Oh, his name is Damian”. Hunter
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