
Chapter 58

After spending the night sobbing the girls sitting with me in silent company I wake at ten my eyes feel puffy and red I don’t think I have a single tear left in my body after the amount of tears I shed last night. Todays my birthday the night of the ball and also the blood moon Delilah fell asleep with me in my room last night stroking my hair and face as I cried until I fell asleep with nothing else left to cry. she starts to stir when I sit up in bed she throws her arms around me there’s not pity in her eyes as I expected just a bestie waiting for her friend to pull herself back together.

“Happy birthday my girl let’s not let last night get in the way of todays new comings it your birthday and we have the annual ball”

I give her the best fake smile I can muster up.

“None of that here open this”

I open the present and it’s a first edition of my favourite book by Michael Drayton I instantly recite one of my favourite poems it seems very fitting.

Since there’s no help, come let us
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