
Chapter 0004

Evelyn's POV

If my jaw could actually become unhinged and lying on the floor right now, it definitely would. I cannot believe this. How had this happened?

After all the taunts and deception, he stands before me. You’re telling me Sebastian Cain is my new stepbrother? Of all the goddamn people on this earth?

The man’s eyes betray him briefly as he places me, and the surprise quickly breaks into his dazzling smile.

He must clearly be enjoying the panic that rises up in me. My eyes must be giving me away because the rest of me is unquestionably frozen in place. I glance quickly at my mother and her soon-to-be-husband. The two are smiling at our first meeting.

How was I the last person to know about who everyone in this family is?

The main problem, however, is that smile and how quickly my knees seem to want to buckle under its weight. Sebastian was never supposed to see me again, yet here we stand, silent.

Does he recognize me? I mean, he’s said nothing. Please, God, Jesus, someone, tell me this man has no idea who I am!

Sebastian clears his throat with a cough. “Forgive me,” he apologizes to the group, returning his eyes to mine.

“Sebastian, this is my daughter, Evelyn, and dear, this is Sebastian.”

Is it too late to hope for a lightning strike?

I nod very slowly, still assessing everything.

Sebastian, however, raises his hand to me to shake it. “Glad to see you again, Evelyn.”

Biting my tongue and swallowing the lump protruding in my throat, I take the man’s hand, wishing I wasn’t such an idiot. I just had to sleep with him, didn’t I?

“Again?” Madelyn looks confused, turning back at me from Gregory to his son. “You’ve met before?”

I glare at this attractive racer, silently begging him not to come clean on everything the two of us engaged in just the other night. I can’t even begin to explain this to my mom.

Please, Sebastian, please.

“Hmm. Maybe I’m misremembering? You do look familiar,” Sebastian counters.

My skin prickles and sweats, and I once again beg God to make this end.

He looks back at our parents, scrutinizing his gaze as it lands on me again. He may be playing dumb, but this rich kid knows exactly what he’s doing. “Maybe I’m mistaken. Have we met before, Evelyn?”

If looks could kill, Sebastian would have been dead the second we locked eyes.

“No, you must be thinking of another curly-haired woman,” I say through gritted teeth. “We tend to all look alike.”

“That must be it,” Madelyn giggles, touching Gregory’s chest with his palm.

“So, where are we headed to dinner?” I ask quickly, desperate to change the subject and remove the focus from the two of us.

“It’s a wonderful little establishment that I’ve frequented in my New York time,” Gregory assures the rest of us. “I’ve been a regular there to the point they no longer ask me what I’m thinking about having for a drink.”

I nod vigorously, noticing Sebastian's eyes wander toward my body several times. This man is really trying my patience right now.

“And we’re celebrating tonight, right hon?” Mom asks him. “The union of our family, after all, is so important.”

“Indeed, dear.”

“Evelyn, why don’t you ride with Sebastian? Give the two of you a chance to get to know one another.”

I think we know each other pretty damn well.

“I’m good, let’s all go together!” I hastily refuse, hoping Mom doesn’t notice.

Sebastian raises one of his bushy eyebrows at my suggestion but stays silent nonetheless.

This is going to be a long, long night.

Thankfully, no one questions my refusal, and we all travel together, Sebastian and I sitting quietly beside one another. I won’t look at him. But I keep asking myself if he knew all along who I was.

Was he lying?

It’s not until we’re already sitting in the restaurant together that Gregory recounts, “Evelyn, did you know you and Sebastian share a birthday?”

Ahh, the lump in my throat has returned. I shake my head without saying anything.

That is until Sebastian turns to look at me. “I don’t know about Evelyn, but I had an unforgettable birthday. Perfect party. Perfect company.”

I force a smile to agree, nodding at the table.

“Well, what did you do in Hawaii then, Sebastian?”

“Oh, it must have been something incredibly crazy!” I interrupt. “I mean, think of all the incredible places to celebrate.”

“Actually,” Sebastian misses my damn hint. “It was great. Truly, Hawaii was full of…true beauty.”

I snort without thinking. “Yeah, must have been pretty popular with the girls there.”

Sebastian’s face snaps to attention. “Always have been.” So nonchalant, clearly enjoying my squirming.

“Gentle now, son,” Gregory warns, shaking his head ever so slightly.

“But,” Sebastian continues. “Not all girls like to play the cat and mouse game, you know? Evelyn over here seems to be one of the rare few…”

I hear nothing he says because his warm hand lightly touches my thigh, startling me. I jump up without thinking.

“Sorry. Rest room. Excuse me.”

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, the water running. My palms are on either side of the sink, and I breathe heavily, unable to contain my anger at what just happened.

“Snap out of it, Evelyn!” I scream in my head. “He’s going to be your brother! Nothing will ever happen again.”

That’s what’s for the best. I know it because in no world do I want to admit to my mom and new stepfather that I slept with my new brother.

I exit the bathroom, still shaking, and find Sebastian leaning against the wall across from me. Waiting for me? Why? To continue torturing me?

“What the hell do you want?” I bark. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

Sebastian steps closer to me, pushing a strand of curls away from my face and behind my ear. “Tell me. Have you thought about this moment? While lying and deceiving me? While playing with me?”

I search his eyes, looking for something hidden behind the words. “If I had known you were my stepbrother, there’s no way in hell I would have ever provoked you.”

“Is that so?” He mutters.

I hold my ground. “We’re siblings now, whether or not we like it,” I growl. “Our secret needs to be buried. Forever.”

The taller man leans forward, closing in on my face. Is this idiot going to kiss me right here and now?

My heart betrays my anger, and my eyes lock with those blue crystals. Black hair falls around his own features, and I fight every instinct to kiss him. God, why am I breathing like this? Why am I freaking out?

Sebastian’s lips nearly touch mine, and finally, I just hold my breath to avoid detection. Then, he suddenly laughs, surprising me. “And why on earth should I comply with your wishes, Princess?”

My cheeks grow hot, and I feel flustered in a matter of milliseconds. I push the asshat away from me and leave, holding my head as high as possible as I return to the table.

Most of dinner is Gregory and Mom talking, getting asked the occasional question or two. Sebastian doesn’t bother me again. But I remain suspicious of him.

We’re nearing the night's end when Mom throws a wrench in the circle.

“Sebastian, I hope you’ll look after my Evelyn. Life in New York is very different from Hawaii's, and I want her to acclimate well.”

“Mom, I’m not ten,” I groan.

“A mom is allowed to worry about her little girl, Eve.”

“Oh, Mrs. Walters, don’t worry,” Sebastian insists.

“Oh, dear, you can call me Madelyn.”

Is she serious right now?

“Well, Madelyn, I’m more than happy to help—after all, the games here are just as good as those in Hawaii. We’re going to have a great time.”

That smile creeps back onto his smug face, which I now realize means nothing but trouble.

Angered by the provocative tone, I scoff in his direction. “Looking forward to it, bro,” I retort with all the defiance I can muster.

Game on, asshole.

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