
Chapter 21

" What did I do wrong? " Bryan's mind raced through every interaction they had shared, searching for a clue, a hint of misunderstanding that could have led to Ava's refusal.

He remembered their conversations, the occasional glances exchanged, and the shared moments of understanding. The connection he felt with Ava was undeniable, making her refusal all the more baffling.

Tossing aside the tangled thoughts, Bryan sat up in bed, frustration etched on his face. He reached for his phone, contemplating reaching out to Ava, but uncertainty held him back. Would it be too forward? Would it come across as too insistent?

He grappled with the idea of texting her, seeking an explanation or even suggesting another opportunity to connect. But hesitation lingered, a fear of crossing boundaries he wasn't sure existed.

With a sigh, Bryan lay back down, the weight of confusion pressing upon him. The unanswered questions swirled around his mind, leaving him restless in the quiet solitude of his room.

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