
Chapter thirty-eight - five hundred thousand dollars

How fucked am I?

She gets up, still staring at me, she doesn't look good so I assume very, very fucked up.

"I can explain everything. "I say calmly closing the door behind me.

" Great, I'll love to hear it. "She says and then crosses her arms, her breasts almost jump out of the black tank top and I try hard not to distract myself too much.

"Paola needed that money...

"It's almost five hundred thousand dollars! "She says it as if it were absurd and I recognize that maybe it is a little.

"She will return later, stay calm. " I beg approaching.

"What the hell does she need all that money for? "She questions.

"I can't tell you, but stay calm. I'm not doing anything wrong. "I try.

"How can I be sure of that? You've been away from me for a long time. First to focus on the company, now because of your little cousin. You made a transfer of almost five hundred dollars and you didn't tell me! "She exposes everything.

"I know and I'm sorry, I intend to fix all this. "I say embarrassed, she is rig
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