

They left the restaurant and the day was spent roaming around aimlessly, taking pictures, in which Bruno gladly taught her about perfect angles, lights, and all the basics of taking good pictures at different times of the day.

"I guess I'll see you at seven?" He beamed.

"Of course." She responded similarly. "And thank you, I had a blast.".

"Well then, I'll pick you up in an hour."

"Bruno, I told you I'll come on my own. You don't have to, really. I'm not some kind of a princess who needs an escort everywhere, okay?" Claire insisted but Bruno's grin was adamant.

"I'm such a gentleman who treats every lady as they deserve."

"Oh you! Stop being stubborn and get out of here." Claire shoved him off with a wave, and he laughed heartily while unlocking the car. "Later." She clambered off.

"I'll pick you up and that's final," Bruno stated, and it was clear that the Stevens were not the type to take a no for an answer.

At least her afternoon had turned out to be rewarding, Claire thought as she
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