
Chapter 38

“She took the bait,” Clara said happily to Caiden when she got home. “She is coming to London next week for the fitting.”

Clara was over the moon at her successful plan to entrap Victoria. The bully would be completely unsuspicious when they met and Clara could proceed with her plan to attack her image.

“You work fast,” Caiden said in bemusement. “Did you put this amount of effort into contacting the other influencers?”

Clara pouted at him.

“Well, I sent the same email to the other four influencers and communicated with them. They sound very nice in their emails and are all excited about the opportunity to work with St. Clair. I wouldn’t neglect the job I agreed to do just for revenge.”

“I know you do everything to the best of your abilities,” Caiden said quickly. “It was a joke. Have you planned your outfit yet? I think you’ll want a power outfit for when you meet with her to show your superiority.”

Clara grinned. Victoria had always had fashionable accessories and hair at
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