
3. Stalking Him

Selena checked her watch constantly and then looked at the building where Jason was. She pursed her lips. 18:05. He should already be out right now. She spotted him and she exclaimed, “That’s him. The guy wearing that sexy white shirt.” 

The taxi driver gave her a conspicuous look as if he was judging her but right now, she didn’t care. She was focused. She was a spy. She would not let guilt get to her. She watched Jason getting in his car and she commanded, banging her fist against the driver’s seat, “Come on! Follow that car!” 

“Alright... alright! No need to get excited.” The man muttered as he started the engine. He was going to charge her additionally for making him wait that long.

Was she being paranoid to doubt him? She tightened her grip on the car seat, the taxi driver occasionally asking her if that was what she really wanted to do. She knew it wasn’t right. But… what if that ‘doc’ was not a colleague but an actual doctor? What if he was hiding a deadly illness from her and he missed his treatments because of her? What if she couldn’t support him in his time of need when he had been there for her? 

These irrational thoughts were making her sick. She knew he needed her. She would prove to him that she was worthy, that she would support him like none other.

“Miss, I know it ain’t my business but if you’re doubting that fella like that, you ain’t right for him and he ain’t right for you. Just sayin’…”

“Argh, just follow him! I know what I’m doing!” 

He shrugged, changing the channel to find some good music, “Do you though?”

She pouted, admitting, “No.” She really didn't know what she was doing right now, doubting the man that she loved like that.

She was perplexed when they entered a residential area. She watched in utmost surprise as Jason turned his car left and stopped into a garage. Did he live there? It looked like one of those small villas she saw in movies. It dominated the area. “Please stop here!” 

The driver hesitated, “You sure, miss?” 

“Yes! Absolutely! 100 percent sure!”

When the car pulled over near the pavement, she paid him rapidly and stepped outside. The man checked the house and then looked at the woman again, “Want me to wait for ya?” 

“Uh… no but thank you very much, sir.” 

“Right, girl. Stay outta trouble.”

She felt nervous all of a sudden as the taxi drove away. That old man had been so sweet to her. Maybe she should have asked him to wait for her. Well, there was no going back then. As the wind blew harshly, messing her hair, she shuddered, realizing that she should have worn a jacket. They seemed like a quiet and nice neighborhood. 

She gazed at that two-level house. It clearly reflected money. Why was Jason hiding this from her? She could move in with him! Well, if he wanted right?

She crossed the road to get a closer look. The lights were already on though and as she approached it, she noticed there was a second car in that garage. She stared at it. No big deal. Maybe he was rich and he didn’t want her to know. Ooh. Maybe he still lived with his parents? Haha, what were the odds? 

She felt like a creep right now and she hated herself in that second. Why did she give in to suspicions about the man who loved her so much? She felt that she was being such a horrible person. She sighed heavily. Still, she was slightly disappointed that he told her that he lived in an apartment like hers when he was staying here all this time. Why did he lie?

She should just call another taxi and go back home then. She took out her phone, instinctively looking at the window and then she froze. Her phone tightened in her grip as she saw him move rapidly towards another form. She trembled, seeing how he pulled that woman close to him, sealing their mouth in a firm kiss. 

Her eyes widened. She must be mad. She was dreaming, hallucinating. She turned away from the window, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. What the fuck? She looked again and the lights seemed dimmer but the shapes, the silhouettes, of clothes being peeled off, of them kissing, of them… disappearing in the darkness.

That was a fucking nightmare. She escaped that area, running from there, wanting to erase what she just saw. That wasn’t Jason. Jason loved only her. It didn’t matter. He was a fucking cheater, a fucking liar, a fucking asshole. Her foot collided against a hunched root and she tripped and fell down on her knees on the side of the road. She stared down at the asphalt, tears running freely now. 

It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be or had she been blind all this time? She clamped her hand on her mouth to prevent herself from crying out loud, not wanting to awaken the whole area. She should just get out of this place to get her thoughts right because right now, she was at a complete lost.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Cassandra pressed her hands on Jason’s chest and shoved him back, breaking the contact of their lips, “Wait.” 

He breathlessly panted, watching her approach the window, “Fuck. I need you, Cassie. It’s been ten days, man.” 

She checked the road outside, frowning slightly when the scenery stayed still. She swore, in that split of a second, that she had seen someone, standing there and watching them. She had heard someone running off. Had she imagined it? Possibly not. Her intuition wouldn’t betray her like that. 

Jason groaned at having to wait, “Hell. Don’t just stand there in your bra. What if someone sees you?” 

She chuckled, “Pff, what will they even do about it?” She pulled the curtains and turned back to him, arching an eyebrow at seeing him already naked. She sighed, running her hand in her hair, “Yeah, I was saying… you should probably take a shower and order something. Heading out tonight.” 

“What?! Where are you even going?” He followed her in their bedroom, hating how she was just choosing some clothes to wear. 

“Catching up with some friends at the bar. Will be late.” 

He muttered some cursed words and whined, “Shit. Sometimes I think you don’t even care about me, Cassie.” 

She hummed, “Got things to do, pretty boy. It’s rare that I get some free time for myself.” 

He was about to argue but instead swallowed hard as he watched her sliding off her pants and standing only in that black underwear. What a sight. She was fucking perfect and right now, he only wanted to ravish her. Thing is… he would never dare touch her without her permission. He wasn’t brave enough for that. 

So he stood. And watched her get dress, hating how it took her mere minutes to get those clothes on her body. When she grabbed her phone and her car keys, he mumbled, “You should be spending time with me instead since you’re busy all the time.” 

She laughed sarcastically, “And do what? Have sex?” 

He became red, clenching his fists, his pride hurting as he weakly agreed, “Yes? I miss you.” Her eyes softened as she reached out to caress his jaw, “If that’s a bit of comfort, I missed you too.” 

He leaned in, pressing his mouth onto her lips. She smiled against him, responding to him, “Next time I’m free… my time is yours, Jason.” He deepened the kiss and she pulled back, checking her phone, “Now, now don’t get ahead of yourself. You’ll be fine without me. And wear some clothes for god’s sake.” 

When she let him go, he reached for her hand again, saying in disappointment as he stroked her fingers, “You’re again not wearing it.” 

She shook her head, “I kept it on the vanity table. It’s annoying when I have to constantly take it off to perform surgeries lately. Been getting a lot. And… I see you’re not wearing yours as well.” 

He became pale at that remark. He stammered, releasing her hand to hurry through the room. He grabbed his discarded trousers and dug in his pocket, taking the jewel out, “I uh… had, the car broke down on the way! Didn’t want it to get dirty when I checked the engine.” 

She eyed him suspiciously as he slipped it on again and smiled like an idiot at her, showing the ring to her. Did he really expect her to believe that? “I see. Well… See you later then.” She held the doorknob and he regained his composure, trying again, “Hey, I could take you out instead. How about that, hun?” She smiled over her shoulder, starting to feel bothered now, “Next time. I’m already taken tonight. Have fun!”

Cassandra closed the door, dialing a number as she got into her car. He seemed even more clingy than ever. She wondered how long she could go on like that. Those past few days have been heaven. Just her and her work and nothing else to worry about. 

She held the steering wheel, waiting for the call to connect with Bluetooth while she revved the engine. Once she was on the road, after several rings, a woman answered her, “Where you at, doc? Don’t tell me you have an emergency again.” 

“Gonna be a little late, Cat. Have to get by the lab for a minute. Forgot some files there.” “For fuck’s sake, Cassandra!” “Just kidding. On my way. Is Meg there yet? Heard she was working on a case.” 

“Hah. You know she’s always down for some drinks. You’re the rare bird.” 

“Not my fault. Alright. I’ll hang up already.” She tuned the radio, flicking through the channels, stopping only when she heard some 80s song playing. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, the doctor along with assistant nurses Emma and Jillian left the medical room, their gloves still bloodied. Jillian remarked as she applied some disinfecting hand wash, soaking her hands thoroughly in the warm water, “You’re glowing today, Cass. Jason came back?” 

Cassandra twitched her lips in annoyance at that remark, “Hah. We delivered three babies today. That’s a reason enough to be extremely happy.” Plus, she had a great time with her two closed friends last night at the bar. So there was that too.

Emma protested, “Come on, you do that almost every week!” 

“They were triplets, Em. That’s not something I get to witness often.”

She turned to her tools, sterilizing them thoroughly with a special machine as she mumbled, “Isn’t it wonderful to hold these little humans, to know that we played a tiny part in their life? Did you see how happy the family was?” 

The nurses shared a knowing look between them. Emma held her shoulder, “We sure do a beautiful job, Cass.” 

Jillian gently elbowed her, teasing her, “But Jason also did come back, eh? Don’t lie.” 

“Yeah he did.” She gazed at the ring she was wearing and recalled how glad he was that she wore it this morning before setting out. Hmpf. A simple symbol of belonging to someone, of sharing a life with another person... when all she wanted was to be right by herself. 

She walked back to her office, removing it and setting it carefully in one of the drawers. She checked on the results of her upcoming patient. She needed to prep herself for an important surgery now. 

~ ~ ~ ~

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