
New students

Dama ran out of the house, wiping her teary eyes as she entered into the car where her friends were. Faricenda and Tabrett glanced at each other after looking at Dama whose eyes was already red like she has been crying. "What happened?" Tabrett asked and Dama couldn't control throwing a glare at her.

Faricenda noticed the tense atmosphere, she asked the driver to start the car while she said nothing but only placed Dama's head on her shoulder as she silently sobbed. By the time they arrived at school, Dama had already stopped crying but it was obvious she still cried through her gloomy and red eyes.

As usual, students screamed out their names especially Tabrett's and when they called her a Princess, Faricenda looked at her. "They are referring to you." Tabrett flashed an insincere smile hoping Faricenda would believe her lie while Dama looked at her and she begged her with her eyes.

They all sat in the same row in the classroom, Guerra and her minions were presently looking for a way
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